More Hunters.

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I waited for Austin by my locker. I was putting all my stuff into my locker when I felt someone staring at me. I smelled the air and almost gagged. There was a hunter watching. I was pushed against the locker and a knife was pushed against my throat. My eyes started turning sliver and my fangs starting coming out. "Umm.." He said like he was thinking. "I wonder how mad Jacob would be if I killed you. Oh, what do I care. You're a vampire that has to die!" He smirked pressing the knife harder on my throat, not hard enough to cause blood, but enough to keep me from taking a deep breathe.

I saw two figures coming around the corner and prayed it was Alex and Haley. "Help." I said even though it came out as a whisper. I knew they heard it because their heads shot up and their eyes turned sliver, running to me. Alex had grabbed the hunter and threw him off of me. Haley went to pick me up, holding me as I coughed. Alex picked up the knife and stabbed the hunter, who turned into ash. I called out, as much as I could. "Alex!" Alex hissed as he kept the knife in his hand. I was hung over coughing when I heard footsteps running to me. I looked up and saw Austin. I smiled weakly and he lifted my face to look at my throat. He leaned down, kissing my neck lightly. I hummed lightly in pleasure and started calming down. I could see straight, my breathe was back, my fangs went away, my eyes turned back to my blue eyes.

He then pulled me into a hug, kissing your forehead. "I'm so sorry. The teacher kept me after class or I would have been here earlier." I nodded weakly and looked up at him. "I just wanna go home." Alex looked at me. "What about the knife?" "Take it with us.. We'll put it with the other ones." I said. Alex nodded and hid it in his backpack. We walked to the car. Robert and Zach were leaning against it. Zach's eyes shot open when he saw my neck. He pulled me into a hug. Robert sighed. "What happened?" "Hunter." Haley hissed. I pulled away from Zach. "I just wanna go home." They nodded and we all got into the car, which meant I had to sit in Austin's lap, which I was fine with."Why'd he turn to ash?" "Wait, the hunter turned to ash?" I nodded. "Straight ash." Zach started thinking. "What do you know?" Robert asked him. "Just trying to think of some way that could even happen."

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