Subway Money.

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We walked down the stairs. "Mayyyyyyy." Austin whinned. I giggled and jumped on his back. "Austinnnnn." I whinned bac kissing his neck. He groaned. "Who do you not like Olive Garden?" I shrugged. "I don't know. Just never really liked it." He shook his head and I giggled. We walked into the kitchen and I bit my lip, trying to get their smell outta my head. There were at least 5 here and I'm sure there where more around. Austin squeezed my thigh to let me know he wasn't gonna let them touch me. Jacob chuckled at us. "What would you like on your hamburger?" I bit my lip and whispered in Austin's ear that someone put something in the meat. Austin nodded and walked over to Jacob and whispered in his ear. "Here, Y'all go out and have fun." Jacob winked at me and handed Austin 50 dollars. "Go to Subway." He chuckled. "And be back whenever. I'll let Michele know you're with a friend and you might end up staying the night. Just don't do anything stupid." I giggled. "No promises." Austin said as he walked out the back down.

I took a deep breathe and smiled as the wind hit my face. Austin still had me on his back and was just walking down the road. "Austin, you okay?" He shrugged and put me down so I could walk. I sighed and turned him to me. "What's wrong?" He looked down biting his lip. "I just, I really like you and I know I can't have you, so doing what I wanna do is outta the question." I pouted. It's not like I didn't like him back, because I did. I fell in loved with him. "Austin.." He nodded. "I know. I'm sorry." I bite my lip. 'God, kill me now.' I stepped closer to him, cupping his face and kissed his nose lightly, pulling away after a second.

"I like you. So much but let me figure stuff out with the whole demons being around." He nodded while blushing. "It'll all work out if its meant to be. Now can we go get some food?" I giggled. He nodded and grabbed my hand walking to Subway. We got in, ordered, got our food, and got out. Austin paid for me and we started walking to my house. Austin had his arm around my waist, as I carried the bag.

Austin stopped walking so I did too. I felt his other arm wrap around my waist and he pull me close to him. His lips ran across my neck, making my heart race. I bit my lip. "Austin, what are you doing?" I giggled. He shrugged and kissed my hot spot on my neck. I moaned really quiet. "Austin. Stop." He groaned. "You can do it and it's fine but when I do it, you tell me to stop." "It get my breathing messed up." "Ohhhhhh." I giggled. "Can we hurry on home? Zach, Haley, Robert, nor Alex know where I am." He nodded, crapping my hand and lacing them together and then walked to the house.

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