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-"So, we're just going to let them kill you! There has to be a way to stop it." My mom turned her head to look at me. Her eyes were pitch black and her fangs came out. I backed away from her and started running as fast as I could. I reached the woods, running and tripping but I ended up on the other side were the field is. I tripped but caught myself, spinning around looking for her. When I spun around, she was right there, staring at me, into my soul. I whimpered not being able to move. She was in front of me before I could blink. Her hand was on my throat, choking me. "Now baby girl. You see, Haley and Alex will die. Zach will also because Haley's gone. Robert will become depressed and stop doing anything. Then it'll be just you, slowly dying as you watch Austin beg for his life, as you see him being rip apart, not being able to move. His eyes become white and he's no longer alive, making you fall to the floor screaming in pain." I couldn't breathe or talk when she dropped me on the ground. "I plan on killing your dad as well,  I mean, your mom's gone so you won't have to worry. I'll take good care of all of them. Austin will make a great husband for my daughter." I was trying to take a breathe. She pulled out a knife. "Hell, I'm just going to cut the pain down by killing you now." She had a wicked grin across her face. I couldn't move. I didn't want to move. I was gonna let her kill me. Then I heard a scream. I covered my ears and fell to the ground, whimpering.- "May!!! We need your help." I shut up from my bed looking around. Austin was in front of me. Haley was on the ground. Alex was doubled over, trying to catch his breathe. "What happened?" I asked Austin. "You tried killing yourself." I looked down and saw the knife in my dream. I picked it up and looking at it closely. "Oh.." I mumbled, going to touch it. Austin looked at me funny, when the knife disappeared. "I didn't do it. The demon, the demon was in my mom." 

Its been a week since this has all happened. I was sitting in the living room think about school, which was tomorrow. "May!" I turned my head and saw Austin holding up a book. "You know how you were asking about me about your powers?" I nodded. "Well, I did some research and the only way you can't have kids is if you marry the same breed as you. Alex and Amanda are going to have a time with getting a kid." "Maybe it also depends on which coven you were with?" He nodded. "That could also be a problem." He chuckled. "I have a feeling we'll be meeting a banshee soon." I sighed. "Its just the supernatural show case around here." He laughed at me. "Oh come on babe. The more help the better." I nodded. "But the more members, the more room I lose in my house." "My house missy." I smiled sweetly at my dad who walked in with my mom. "Fine. The more room we lose in my dads house." "That's better." He kissed my head and walked into the kitchen with my mom. I turned to Austin. "You know, you're the first guy, other then the boys upstairs, he's ever let stay over and the first guy he's even liked." Austin smiled at that. "I'm glad he can trust me!" I giggled. Austin cupped my face in his hands and leaned down, kissing my nose. I scrunched it up and pushed him away, turning on the TV.

I woke up to the sound of humming. I smiled, not wanting to move. I was in a comfy spot and Austin was warm. "May! Time for school!" I groaned. "Mkay." I mumbled. Austin went to move but I growled and pushed him back down. "What do you tell the girls when they ask you if you're single?" I had my eyes closed and my head was on his chest. "I tell them I like someone and that I'd be taken soon." I giggled. "You know, I've gotten used to you and your neck kisses." I felt him smirk. "May! Don't make me come in there with a glass of cold water!" I growled. "I'm up!" I yelled and sat up. Austin sat up also. I sighed. "Do I have to get dressed in something pretty?" He chuckled. "At least put on jeans." I nodded and slowly got out of bed going to the closet. I grabbed a pair of skinnys and a tshirt with a wolf on it. I walked into the bathroom, taking a quick shower, then I got out, drying off and putting on my clothes. I walked out of the bathroom and bit my lip. "Austin babe, please put on a shirt." He chuckled. "And if I don't?" "You aren't going to school. I forbid any other girl besides the ones in this house to see your body." I crossed my arms over my chest. He grabbed his shirt and walked closer to me. "Ummm, is someone getting jealous?" I rolled my eyes and walked out the room, putting on my shoes and got on my bike. I saw Austin walk out, with a shirt and shoes on. He got on my bike and I drove to school. We pulled up and he got off, putting his helmet on the handle bars. I did the same. We started walking to the door to met up with the squad. I saw a girl start to walk up to Austin. She was in a skirt and a belly shirt. I huffed and Austin smirked. "Hi. I'm Tammy." The girl said. "I'm Austin." He smiled. "Oh I know who you are. You're the hottest guy in this school and you hang out with, well.." She looked me up and down. "The odd balls." I rolled my eyes growling lightly. "So you need to drop them all and come hang out with me and my friends." She smiled grabbing his arm and started dragging him to her table. I pulled him back to me and smirked up at him. I grabbed his face and kissed him. He kissed me back, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. When I pulled away he smirked. "You sure you aren't jealous?" I growled lightly and pulled him over to the group.

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