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We finished unpacking and I was laying on his bed. He sat next to me, looking down and chuckled lightly. "Thank you for the help." I smiled. "No problem. It was fun but tiring." I giggled. He laid down next to me. "Now back to our 21 question game. What's your favorite color?" I acted like I was thinking and finally smiled. "Purple!" "Your favorite animal?" I asked him. He thought for a second. "Tiger." I giggled. "Mines a wolf." He chuckled. "How ironic." I nodded. "Guys! Food's done!" Jacob yelled at us.

I smiled and stood up. "I'll beat you downstairs." But then I stopped, their smell hitting my nose. I almost threw up. I backed up to the wall, biting my lip and shook my head. "I can't go down there." I started breathing weird, my eyes watered up, and I could feel my fangs start to grow. He stared at me, wide eyed. "May babe?" I was looking at the floor and mumbled. "I have to go. There are many hunters down there. Some, I'm sure, want to kill me." He walked closer to me. "No. Please don't come any closer." My mouth started to water and I could smell his blood running through his veins. I closed my eyes shut as he took another step. "Austin. Stop." I hissed. He looked hurt but stepped forward again. "May, I won't let them hurt you and neither will Jacob." He put his hand on my cheek sending sparks all through me.

I closed my eyes, taking everything in. I just prayed I wouldn't attack anyone. After a few minutes, I opened my eyes to see him still there, smiling. My fangs were gone and my eyes has stopped watering. He dropped his hand, which made me pout. He chuckled kissing my nose. "You're adorable." I shook my head. "Can we go eat?" He nodded, as I giggled, and he grabbing my hand and pulled me down the stairs.

Dangerous KissesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora