"I guess I have no choice."

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Lunch. We were all sitting around the table laughing and acting like fools, when my phone went off. I pulled it outta my pocket and saw a text message. 'After we get her, we'll still come over you sweetheart. You and Haley will be ours.' I looked at the screen. I looked at Haley and we stood up. "We have to be going home." Austin looked at me. "What? Why?" "Haley and I got threatened. I want to see who sent it." I said. "So I can kill them." Haley smirked. I slapped her arm and Austin and Zach stood up. "We're coming to!" I nodded turning to Alex. "Its cool. I'll make sure the girls stay safe here. I'll see you when we get home." I nodded and we walked to the car. I slid in the back with Austin, while Zach drove and Haley in the front seat. I leaned my head on Austin's shoulder and closed my eyes. I started thinking and it hit me. "That asshole!" I said taking out my phone. "Remember that idiot who pin me against my looker? Well that whom's number this is!" Haley took my phone and reread it over and over. We pulled into the house and I climbed out. I walked into the house and it was a mess. I gasped at the scene. "Mom! Put the knife down!" She turned around and smirked. "I'm not your mother sweetheart." Her eyes were pitch black.

I growled as she tied me to the chair. "Oh shut up!" She smacked me across the face. I watched her tie up my dad. I bite my lip, as she moved to Zach next, slowly making the rope tight. Austin was next, tied up to where he couldn't move at all. He'd have rope burns by the time someone got us out of here. Haley was last. She took her time tying her up. She made sure everything was right. She counted the ropes and smirked as she stood up. "Why are you doing this?" Haley asked. "Because the more pain and craziness, the funner this is." Austin huffed. "Funner isn't a word." She walked up to him and slapped him across the cheek. I whimpered quietly. "Awh. Did that hurt you sweetheart?" I glared at her trying to get out of the cuffs. "Hunny, you aren't going anywhere anytime soon." I growled again. She walked over to me and smacked me across the face. My eyes turn sliver and my fangs started coming out. "Don't you have what you want?" "Explain to me how you become a wolf." "Depends. There's multiple stories." She nodded. "Zach, how'd you become one?" He raised an eye brow. "Born one." "Anyone know about Robert." I nodded. "He was bitten by one on his leg." She smiled. "Very good. What about you vampires?" Haley huffed. "Our mother was one." "They didn't tell you, did they?" I watched her closely. "Your 'mom' is a demon and your 'dad' is a necromancer. There's no vampire in their blood." My heard my dad huff. "I told you, I'm half Vampire and half necromancer."

"Hunny, don't lie to them anymore." "I'm not lying!" He hissed. He wasn't lying. I could feel his heart beat. It was steady. Super steady. Plus I knew my dad wouldn't lie about that. He helped Alex, Haley, and I train. I watched my so called mom walk around my dad. She had a knife in her hands. "So werewolf fell in love with a vampire? That's new. I wonder if it hurts Haley as much as it hurt Zach if I do this." She took the knife and drugged it down Zach arm. He hissed his pain and Haley closed her eyes, tightly. "Oh. It does hurt. That's good." She turned to Austin. "Now, why are you even in this group?" She leaned down in front of him. "You're a human. Its not like one of them likes you." I could feel her smirk from where I was. Austin's eyes were closed and he didn't say anything. "Ummm, since you wont' talk maybe May will." She walked to me and stuck the knife on my cheek. "Come on May, who's Austin here for?" I didn't say a word, I couldn't. My throat hurt and it was dry. She ran the knife down my cheek, cutting it open. I hissed in pain and heard Austin whimper. "Oh come on now. You didn't fall for May here." I hissed at her. "Shut up." She looked at me. "What did you say?" I rolled my eyes. "I said, shut up!" She growled slapping me across the face. I felt blood on my lip. "Want to say it again?" "Shut. Up." She took the knife in her hand and cut my leg. "May, please stop." Haley whispered. Dad was getting mad. He was about to get free, so I did everything in my power not to get her to notice him. "Yeah you might want to listen to Haley." My leg was healing as we speak. My cheek not to much. "I wonder what would happen if I put wolfsbane on my knife and cut Zach with it. Austin be a babe and tell me what would happen." He gulped. "It would kill him." She smiled. "Ahhh, the smart one."

I flinched as she placed the knife on Austins cheek even though she wiped the blood off of it though. "Now, tell me Austin. Why do you like May?" "Because she's gorgeous, crazy, adorable, brilliant, and damn she's kinky." He smirked. "Ahh. Wrong answer." She pushed the knife into Austin cheek and started cutting now his face. "Stop. Please." I whimpered. "I'll do anything." She stopped and turned to me. "Anything aye?" I sighed. Haley growled. "She's not going to do anything." She slapped Haley in the face. "Shut up." I heard Zach growl loudly. I gulped as I smelled Austins blood running down his face. I looked at him. She had beaten him up more then I realized. He had a bruise on his neck from her hand. He would have one on his cheek. His lip was bleeding. His cheek was too. He had bruises on his wrists from the rope. There were also rope burns. "Does that bother you?" I heard her whisper in my ear. I jumped and growled. "Yes. It does bother me, because he had nothing to do with this." She smirked. "That's all the more reason to do it." She started walking back to him and I felt my fangs pop out and my claws come out also. I wasn't in rope. I was just in cuffs. "Guh. I'm so stupid." I said to myself. I ripped the hand cuffs off and stood up. She turned to me before even getting the chance to touch Austin. "Sweetie, now you shouldn't of done that." Her eyes flashed and her teeth grew sharper. I gulped and she went to threw her knife at me, but she ended up falling on her face. "Never underestimate the power of a werewolf." Zach had gotten lose, so I ran to Austin, as he checked on Haley. Austin smiled weakly at me. "I'm so sor.." He cut me off. "Its okay." I smiled as I undid the rips and wiped the blood from his lips, kissing him for a second. Then I just let him sit there while I turned around. When I did, I saw my mom and the demon was next to her. "Now, let's see. Ennie. Minnie. Miney. Moe." It pointed to me. "You're the one that's going to die sweetheart." He started walking towards me. I heard Haley growl and stood in front of me. The man stopped walking. "Haley now, move out of the way. My son's waiting for his wife." I growled that time. "Hell no." He smirked. "That's no way to talk. He stronger then that idiot." I shook my head. "Austin's not an idiot." I hissed. The demon growled and turned to my mother. "I guess I have no choice." He grabbed her face and kissed her, when he pulled away, he vanished and my mom fell to the ground dead.

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