"Make it stop."

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Its now Friday. We're all super tired. We've been training all week long, so going into school was horrid. I was tired, weak, and I just wanted to sleep. I climbed out of the car in sweats and walked to the school. Austin walked up to me and smiled. "So.. I see no one got sleep last night." I pouted. "I just want to sleep right now." "Why didn't you stay home with the others?" I looked up at him. "I'm not leaving you alone in this school. It's not that I don't trust you, it's that I don't trust any of these girls." He smirked. "Someone's getting jealous." I held my head groaning. "Umm babe..?" I grabbed ahold of his arm. "We need to leave." He nodded and grabbed my keys out of my pocket and helped me to my car. We got in and I groaned again. "What's going on?" "Haleys having a nightmare and it's bad." He raised an eye brow. "You can read her mind?" I shrugged. "I don't know, to be honest." I grabbed my head as I heard her scream. She's still in her dream though. I picked up my phone and called Zach. "Wake her the hell up! What do you mean you can't!?" I growled as she started screaming again. "Kiss her or something! She's going to kill me." I whimpered. I didn't hear anything on the phone and the voices stopped. The screaming stop. Everything stopped. I leaned my head back on the seat and heard the phone being picked up. "I heard it to May." Alex told me. "Then shouldn't Amanda hear it too?" He didn't say anything. "I'll be there soon." I hung up and Austin grabbed my hand and kissed it. "It'll be okay." He kept saying over and over.

I ran inside. Haley sat on the couch, just staring at the wall. "Babe?" I touched her shoulder. She grabbed my hand and bent it backwards. I gasped and whimpered. "Haley! Let go. It's me May!" She didn't seem to care. She bent it back more, braking it. I screamed loudly and it made her jump, coming out of that daze of hers. "Holy.. Oh my gosh May!" I had fallen to the floor, holding my hand. Everyone was staring at us. Alex ran to me and bit his lip. "This is going to hurt." He grabbed my hand and broke it back into place. I hissed at him. "Ouch!" He rolled his eyes. "I told you it would hurt." "May. I'm so sorry." I nodded smiling weakly at her. "It's okay. I promise." I rotated my wrist and heard it pop. "Ahh. That's better." Alex sighed. "Why could we hear Haleys nightmare?" I looked around. "Anyone else here it?" They all shook their head. The door opened to my mom and dad standing there. "Mom? Dad?" Dad walked up to Haley and pulled her into a hug. Alex sat down while the others left. Dad was holding Haley, while my mom was glaring at me. I looked down. "What did you do?!" I looked at her. "What are you talking about?!" She growled as her eyes flashed blue. "You're messing with demons now?!" I rolled my eyes. "I didn't know they were demons. I just though they were hunters! Until Austin's dad explained more! It's not like I wanted this to be brought up on us! If I did, I would have made it happen before now!" I growled. My mom slapped me in the face. Alex jumped up and pushed me behind him. "Samantha!" My dad yelled. I felt a tear fall down my cheek. "You know what, I'll just go. Maybe it'll leave you alone and follow me." My dad stood up. "No. You aren't going anywhere. You had no idea about this. I should have warned you. I knew they were coming but not this quick."

"Tommy. Don't." My mom growled at him. "They were going to find out sooner or later. Might as well be now! They're having nightmares! Alex will be next. Then they'll all have one, and it'll get so bad, they won't be able to sleep! I can't have that happen. He wants them like that. He needs them restless. He needs them to think they're going crazy! He's putting the puzzle pieces together." My dad said. "Daddy.. What's going on?" I asked still behind Alex, who was ready to change at any minute. "The demon.. He's an old friend of mine.." He looked down. My mom touched his arm. "I made a deal with a demon.. The deal has been completed. Now he's going after my family." I looked at my mom. "Family?" She nodded. "Alex, Haley, and you are siblings." I looked at Alex and Haley. "How?" My mom smiled softly. "Well, we had Alex before we had you and we gave him to my sister. Then we had you. We kept you. Haley came about a year later and we gave her to your dads sister. They couldn't have kids." I smirked. "Hah! I knew we couldn't have kids. In your face Austin!" I yelled. Haley laughed. "May hunny. You can have kids. All three of you can." I growled. "Never mind.." Mom said giggling lightly. "Now back to the deal part. They're going to kill me. I know they are. There's nothing we can do to stop it." I looked at my dad and he sighed looking down. "So, we're just going to sit back and let them take you?" She turned her head, looking away and slowly nodded. "Yes. Yes we are."

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