Crucial Interventions

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"Hey! We're here! This is our next wellspring of information, Vanya Village!" Meliodas exclaimed.


It had been a few days since the holy knight visited the village. I had spent a good chunk of the day watching the villagers attempt to pull the sword from the ground. They had been at it since sunrise and had made no progress.

I decided working would be a better use of time, so I stood and jumped down from the rooftop I had been watching from.

My smithy was in the forest. I had constructed it in the forest because my head becomes much clearer when I am surrounded with plant life. The smithy was nothing particularly fancy, but it contained everything necessary for successful sword-making.

As I stepped foot into the forest, my guard lowered, my head cleared and my surroundings became unimportant to me. Not 3 minutes later, I entered my smithy. It was partially exposed, having two smooth stone walls, a few stone pillars for support, and a stone roof.

I quickly put on my apron and tied back my hair before putting my thick rubber gloves on. I did not require eye protection since a wall from a perfect cube seemed to do a well enough job.

Before I could waste anymore time I sat down and quickly sorted through the pile of swords I had bought. Some were too damaged and were put into a separate pile from the rest, who just needed small repairs. The damaged ones would be melted down and made into new swords.

I quickly became engrossed in my work, tuning out the world around me.

Had I been paying more attention, perhaps I would've heard the unmistakable footsteps headed towards Vanya Village.

Had I heard them, I would've fled.


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