No Cage Could Keep You

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As the holy knight pried the sword out of the heir's hand, both Elizabeth and I spoke up.

"Stop! What are you doing to Sir Meliodas!?"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

He ignored us both, and just as he got it out of the heir's hand I felt it. The heir was no longer dead.

"It's mine now! You've no use for it-"

He was cut off as the heir stood, grabbing onto the hilt.

"Impossible!" The doctor yelled, "No one could survive after that much poison!"

I simply enjoyed the festivities, making a vine grow around the holy knight's ankle and pull him onto the ground, effectively tripping him. He let go of the hilt out of instinct as he fell. Ignoring me, he began to speak to the heir.

"Too stubborn to die, I see. Well, I won't let you leave with that sword!"

Feeling as though I've contributed enough to this fight, I retracted my vines and let him stand. He grabbed onto the sword like before, and once again, they were both tugging on it.

"Even if I die, this sword is the one thing I'll never let go of. It's the only way I can atone!"

The holy knight voiced my thoughts perfectly, "Spout all the nonsense you wish, the princess and your weapon will still be mine!"

The heir then let his demonic energy flow, scaring the holy knight. I smiled, not expecting him to use his demonic energy. At least, not this early.

The holy knight stood his ground for a few seconds before jumping out the window, giving up on his orders.

I sighed and used reinforced vines littered with poisonous flowers to bind him to the ground.

I yelled through the now broken window, "The flowers are poisonous! Much more so than your co-workers bugs. I wouldn't recommend touching them,"

All I got in response were angry grunts as he tried to escape without touching the flowers.

"I didn't expect you to use that, heir." I said, standing from my spot by the door.

"I thought you had abandoned those powers."

He looked at me, glaring, "And I thought you wanted nothing to do with me,"


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