Excruciating Details

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hello! i ask that you re-read the book to familiarize yourself with the changes I've made! thank you :]


I stood and walked over to Elizabeth. Placing both of my hands on her shoulders I stared her directly in the eyes.

"Lady Elizabeth. Calm yourself," I brought my voice down to a whisper, "The heir is fine. Yes, he's dead but he doesn't go down that easy. Calm yourself. Now ask them whatever questions you have,"

She looked unsure but nodded. "Okay, if you say so,"

Because the holy knight and doctor were in shock, they failed to pay attention to our conversation. I let go of Elizabeth and walked back over to my spot. Seeing as the holy knight didn't make any rash decisions, I assumed he didn't hear our conversation.

"That medicine wasn't meant to treat his injuries!?" She cried, moving her attention to the faux doctor.

The holy knight answered for him, "Even with our great power, we knew it would be impossible to face a member of the Seven Deadly Sins and emerge unscathed. Besides, the kingdom made it clear we could use any means necessary,"

"Who are you!? Show yourself right now!" Elizabeth demanded.

A large, armoured figure appeared to her right, standing just between her and the doctor.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," He began, "I am the holy knight Golgius, member of the Weird Fangs,"

"A holy knight.." Elizabeth muttered.

"What the heck, when did he..." Hawk's questions went unanswered as the holy knight began to speak again.

He lowered himself in a bow as he spoke, "Princess Elizabeth, I have come to take you back to the Kingdom of Liones," Once he had explained he stood back up, reaching his hand out to Lady Elizabeth.

Hawk immediately got in-between them, saying, "Hey, not so fast! You're gonna have to go through the Captain of the Order of Scraps Disposal first!"

As soon as he finished, however, the holy knight kicked him, sending him flying around the room.

As Elizabeth exclaimed her worry for Hawk, the holy knight took the blanket off of the heir and grabbed his sword.

"Now then, seems it's become rather pointless for you to keep this sword any longer. So I shall take it with me," He declared.

For some reason, the heir was still holding onto the sword, even in death.

To be rather honest, I was growing tired of this holy knight. The heir has probably had that broken sword for awhile, and only an ignorant fool would be unaware as to that sword hilts importance.

It seems as though the holy knight was just fulfilling orders, meaning he had no idea just how much trying to take that sword would piss the heir off.

Apparently, it was enough to raise the dead.


i assume you know the drill, but any bold or italicized words are direct quotes from the anime and as such were not written by me.

thank you for your patience, i hope you enjoyed the changes i've made as well as this chapter!

i have to apologize for the amount of quoted dialouge. i promise, once we get past the Bastate Prison episodes then there will be less. please bare with me until then!!

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