What's the favor?

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"Must you always be so predictable?" I asked, sighing.

"To be honest, I thought you'd be long gone." Meliodas replied, placing his hands behind his head and walking up to the counter whilst taking in the small shop.

I took a sip of my tea before speaking again.

"What do you want?" I asked rather bluntly.

He stood right in front of the counter now. Having taken in the shop, he decided to get to the point.


"I need your hel–"

"Get out."

He sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking down at the floor.

"Yeah, I should've expected that." He sighed. "It was worth a shot."

He walked out, letting the door shut on its own behind him.


Or that's what would have happened had I been the same person I once was.


Currently, Meliodas was standing with his hands behind his head. He asked for my help and it's obvious he expects me to decline. I take a sip of tea and ask,

"You require my assistance? Why?"

He was surprised by my answer but hardly showed it. Emotions are difficult to hide, yet he's somehow mastered it.

"I'm looking for the members of the seven deadly sins, they're a group I made about 10 years ago. I've got some intel but I need your help."

"And why do you really need my help?" I asked, sipping my tea.

The heir's face hardened, he walked right up to the counter and talked in a low voice, "The signs of holy war are growing, and the seal on the 10 Commandments is fading."

My eyes widened, I'm sure the horror I felt was evident on my face. If the 10 Commandments were revived then those two would be revived. Zeldris and Estarossa would–

I set down my tea.

I looked at Meliodas, there was some desperation in my voice as I answered him.

"I'll help, just, please Meliodas, keep those two from killing me. If you promise me that, I'll help you." I quickly stood up and went towards the back door. He hadn't answered, but he didn't need to.

We both knew I wasnt staying in the village as long as the threat of the 10 Commandments being revived was up in the air. Before I left I turned to him, "I need some fresh air. I'll meet you at sunset. I'm guessing we're leaving tonight?"

With that, I left the shop and ran towards the forest.


hi! i don't usually do notes like these (in this book) but uh yeah I'm sorry this took so long to come out.

it was almost 700 words but I thought it was too long and cut it which means the next chapter is done too lmao

again, sorry for the wait!

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