Untouched Places

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I went into Lady Elizabeth's room and took my bow, sword and bag that I had set next to the bed.

I then exited the room and went back downstairs, sitting at a far table. I set my bow, sword and quiver against the wall and opened my bag. I had a plethora of clothes and other things stuffed into the magically enlarged bag.

I grabbed out his jacket and put it on. It was plenty of sizes too big but I didn't care. I had hoped keeping the jacket with me would provide me with at least a fraction of the comfort he had.

I used my bag as a pillow and, hugging the jacket as close as I could, I fell into a restless slumber.


Gowther was not a gift-giving man, so when he had given her a sword, she knew then and there that she'd have to treasure it.

Which is why, when that same man was imprisoned, she was more than surprised when a doll approached her. It claimed to be made by Gowther, and gave her a notebook.

Upon closer inspection of the notebook, she found that the doll had actually been telling the truth. The notebook was full of Gowther's work. Notes on the doll, things reminiscent of journal entries, there was so much to unpack. And after learning that it had memory based abilities, she was certain it was Gowther's work.

Regrettably, she never saw the doll after that day, and she never thought she'd see it again.

Which meant that she'd never hear from Gowther again.

And coming to terms with that was not easy.


I woke with a start, my eyes darting around the room. It was then I remembered the tavern, and realized what woke me.

Lady Elizabeth stood to my left, hand still stretched out from waking me up.

"Ah, I apologize if I startled you." Elizabeth started, "I just wanted to tell you that we've arrived at a village not far from Bastate Prison. There's a doctor here, so we'll be staying for awhile."

I simply nodded before standing and picking up my messenger bag. I followed Lady Elizabeth upstairs to where the heir was resting. According to Elizabeth, he had passed out during their conversation and not woken up since.

I used magic to lift him from the bed and out of the room as we quickly left the tavern. Once we were outside, Diane took him in her hands and rushed into the village. Because she is a giant, she scared just about every villager away by the time we caught up.

Lady Elizabeth went on to tell her that she could take it from there, to which Diane didn't respond. She told Elizabeth to go get a doctor and sat down in front of a house, the heir still in her hands.

There was an irritatingly obvious enemy buzzing around, so I summoned a vine to grow and crush it. With a small hand gesture the bug was dead. I sat nearby Diane, suddenly reminded that I had left my weapons.

I excused myself and caught a ride back to Hawk's mother from a helpful vine. By the time I retrieved my weapons and returned, Diane and the heir were no where to be found.

People were starting to crowd the streets again so I quickened my pace as I headed towards the heir's familiar magical power.


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