Really Redundant

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Quite regrettably, I ended up with the tavern part of the building as my room. The only positive to this rooming situation is that during the day, I've been given permission to stay in Lady Elizabeth's room.

I had been left alone in my 'room' as the large green pig that Hawk claimed was his mother brought us to our next destination.

Hawk's mother was strange. I felt large amounts of magical energy coming from her but it was muffled, almost as if a cloth had been put over it. No one else seemed to notice it, however.

I suppose it's not important.

I stood from my seat and went behind the counter to find something to cook. Seeing as though the heir had sub-par ingredients I exited the tavern, jumped from the pig, and used my ability to grow some fruits, vegetables and herbs.

I was then assisted by some incredibly helpful vines and brought back to the entrance of the tavern in seconds. I re-entered the tavern after giving my thanks to the vines and took my place behind the counter once more.


After about half an hour I had a meal prepared. As if on cue, the heir and Lady Elizabeth came down the stairs.

"What smells so good lil sis?"

I gestured to the two plates I had set out for them. "Come try it and find out."

They quickly took up seats at the bar and began to eat. I set a keg of ale next to the heir and a cup of tea I brewed next to Lady Elizabeth.

Elizabeth took a few bites before exclaiming, "Oh my! Lady Irreron, this takes amazing!"

"Hey! I want some!!" Hawk yelled.

I sighed and scooped some leftovers into his bowl. He immediately began digging in, barely stopping to chew.

"Oh..this tastes amazing!! Meliodas..are you sure this girl is...related to you?" He said whilst eating.

"Yep, there's no one who hates me more than Iras!" He exclaimed.

"I'd be surprised if there was." I retorted.

The heir stopped eating and looked at me.

"Yes?" I asked, confused as to why he was staring at me.

He kept staring at me for a moment before responding.

"Did you always look like that?" He asked.

Hawk immediately ran over and hit him over the head, yelling about how he shouldn't say that to his sister or something along those lines.

I looked at my reflection in my cup of tea, trying to see what he meant.

"Ohhh, I see, that's what you meant." I said. Lady Elizabeth and Hawk looked over at me confused.

"You're right, I suppose I don't need this disguise anymore."


lowkey feel like this chapter's kinda sucky but it'll have to do for now ig

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