Where the Bugs Flock

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I soon got brought back to reality as Elizabeth ran past me and out the door. Confused, I quickly rushed to the window. Seeing as Diane was angrily walking away, it became obvious what had happened.

“So much for caring about the heir.” I muttered.

I watched as they conversed, Diane stomped at one point, sending a tremor though the village. As they continued to talk, a hoard of bugs became visible.

"Who wants to bet they're poisonous." I sighed, sitting on the stool at the foot of the heir's bed. Once they got close enough to attack, I learned I was right.

"Ding ding ding, who would've guessed." I said to myself sarcastically.

"Damn, I should've stayed in Vanya.." I thought as I headed outside.


Not feeling like coming up with some convoluted plan, I ran out into the mess and got Lady Elizabeth and that pig back to the doctors office. By then, Diane had worked up the courage to smash all the bugs with her ability.

"Next time, don't even think about trying to run through something like that. Seriously, if you got hurt the heir would've destroyed this town beyond repair." I said, lecturing Elizabeth.

She simply lowered her head in what seemed to be embarrassment and apologized. We went back outside once the threat had been neutralized.

"Now bring it on! I'll squash every last one of those things!" Diane declared, imitating a punch.

Not ten seconds later she jumped over the pillars and landed right outside of the village. As she prepared to run off she yelled, "Now look over the Captain, got it Princess!?"

Elizabeth stuttered as she responded, "A-Alright!"

Seeing as the holy knight didn't seem to be sending any more buzzing idiots I went back into the doctor's office with Lady Elizabeth and Hawk.


All bolded and italicized words are direct quotes from the anime and as such were not written by me.

Thank you for your patience, happy new year!!

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