9. Victors and Losers

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Edited 13.03.2022

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"That's right people, it's a minefield!" Niwa looked over the area and paused in thought.

"It's set up so you can tell where the mines are if you look carefully! So you have to exploit your eyes and your legs!" Present Mic's voice over the speakers annoyed her a little at how loud it was. "By the way, these landmines are for games, so they're not that powerful."

Is that so... Niwa crouched down and touched a blatant spot right in front of her. A massive cloud of pink smoke and a sound like fireworks exploded in her face.

"But they're loud and flashy enough to make you wet your pants!" Said Present Mic.

"That depends on the person..."

Holy crap! These were fun! Niwa laughed, completely unfazed at the explosion literally going off in her face. Her ears had dealt with way worse than these subterranean fireworks. She took one leaping jump and hopped happily across the field, letting each colorful explosion she landed on push her back off the ground. Niwa cleared the minefield and turned around to look back.

Where should she set up her little plan? Where would swiftly deliver the most impact? Niwa turned and continued, leaving Todoroki and a few other random students to begin their careful walk across the minefield. Niwa sprinted down the rest of the path and stopped as she reached the entrance of the tunnel that led back into the arena. Whoever passed through this tunnel would be the winner of this race.

"Class A's Midoriya is in hot pursuit with a blast!" Present Mic yelled, "Actually, he's taken the lead!"

That was it. That was absolutely perfect. Niwa walked over to the side of the tunnel and leaned against the wall, waiting.

"The two formally battling it out have stopped and are now chasing after Midoriya."

That's right. The one guy neither of you wants to take first place. The one guy you want to beat more than anything. Come, Midoriya.

"But wait a minute! Where did the young lady leading the pack go?! Aizawa, where did your student go!?"

"She's right at the end." Her homeroom teacher replied.

"Haauuuh?! Did she stop? Why?!!!" Present Mic screamed, his attention was quickly stolen away, "Ah! Midoriya uses the explosions to block his opponent and swiftly clear the minefield in an instant! What are you teaching these kids!?"

"I haven't done anything. They got each other fired up on their own."

Niwa glanced up from her spot, catching the surprised expression of Midoriya catching up to her. The boy slowed down a little in his confusion but sped up again when Niwa gave him a friendly smile and pointed down the tunnel.

"Just what is she doing?" Present Mic yelled again.

"Likely something stupid," Mummy Man replied.

She saw her objective drawing closer and closer, Niwa moved herself over to the side of the wall. Bakugou and Todoroki were moving at the same speed and at this rate, it would be a close match between them. But not for long.

When they finally entered her range, Niwa launched off the concrete wall, spun in the air in an acrobatic twist and grabbed at the back of their collars. She planted her feet on the ground and shoved the boys into the ground with a heavy impact, not enough to do any real damage, but enough to hurt.

"What is going on? Niwa of Class 1-A has attacked her fellow classmates Todoroki and Bakugou!"

Niwa stared down at the angry boys glaring through pained expressions. "Bet that one hurt, didn't it?"

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