Alien Swarm Part 1

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(A/N: Specimen6 Asked for this so it's happening. It takes place a couple of weeks after the last chapter.)

Kevin was leaning against his car in a warehouse waiting for someone. A guy in a leather jacket and a fedora came walking up to him.

"Kev, this big," The guy said, "I think you have the connections for this so—"

"Show me," Kevin said, cutting the guy off.

The guy typed something on his phone and Kevin began to hear the sound of motorcycles. Kevin looked around and saw three bikes coming around from a corridor.

"I'm just the middle man," The guy said.

The bikes came to a stop and Kevin could see two guys and a woman, the guys were wearing yellow and white racing uniforms and the girl was wearing a red leather jacket with a black helmet. The men had silver cases on their backs and walked towards Kevin's car as they took their helmets off, one had black dreadlocks and the other had short blonde hair.

The men set their cases on Kevin's car and the one with dreadlocks asked, "Are you the buyer?"

"Depends," Kevin responded, "What'cha got?"

The men opened their cases and the one with dreadlocks said, "Alien tech. The good stuff."

Inside the cases were glass tubes with small metal shards filled halfway. Kevin picked one up and shook it for a few seconds.

"What is it?" Kevin asked.

"You don't know?" The seller asked.

"You don't know, do you?" Kevin accused, "Is it a weapon? Can it fire? Does it blow stuff up? This is important information for a prospective buyer."

"Bro it's alien tech. It's gotta be worth something. You interested or not?"

"Ok, chill," Kevin said, "Let me consult my partners."

"Partners? You never said anything about partners." The middle man said

"Neither did you."

From behind a pillar Ben, Gwen, Rin, and Albedo revealed themselves and walked towards Kevin.

  "You," The middleman said while pointing to Rin, "Are working with Kevin?"

"Never thought I'd see and r/niceguy in real life," Rin said casually.

"We're working with her," Ben said while pointing to Gwen, "Kevin doesn't work, he just stands around flexing his muscles."

"How about I flex them in your face?" Kevin asked threateningly.

"What's with these clowns?"The seller asked, "We've never met buyers like this before."

"I can't tell you I'm just the middle man." The fedora-wearing guy said.

"We're just some regular people who are beginning to think this is a massive waste of our time," Gwen said.

"What are we dealing with?" Ben asked.

"I don't know," Kevin said, "They're complex. I'd have to guess level nine tech at least."

"Let me see." Albedo said.

He walked over to the cases and picked up one of the canisters and examined it. He shook it and examined the way it fell and the sounds it made. He was about to comment on them when the Ultimatrices and the Omnitrix started making random noises and displaying random blobs as holograms.

"Whatever they are it's screwing with the watches," Ben said.

"What's going on with you guys?" The blonde seller asked, "You're the weirdest buyers we've met. We've never met jokers like you."

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