Part 18

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(As you can tell by the different Intro video, this will be the crossover episode with Generator Rex. But instead of Ben, Rin and Albedo will go to Rex's universe.)

It was a boring day in Manhattan for the common people, traffic was slow and they were sitting idle in their cars while in a nearby building two people ere training. The two had a difference in age of about twenty years or so, the younger one was named Rex and was sprouting machinery out of his body, which the older man Six was dodging.

"You know what I need Six?" Rex said turning his hands into mechanical bludgeons swinging at Six.

"That you need more training." Six said as he parried a strike, "Your strike is getting sloppy."

Six slashed at Rex who blocked it with his arm and pushed him back.

"I've got two words for you Six, Theme Song." Rex said, "Just think about it. I'm a famous superhero and I finally have a family to call my own!"

"I got your theme song right here!" A talking monkey named Bobo said as he made a fart noise with his armpit.

"I'm serious, every hero should have their own theme song, I'll sing it but you won't be able to hear it over the ringing in your ears!" Rex says while still fighting.

Rex starts singing while fighting Six and dodging his swipes.

"It started when the nanites went Ka-Pow! upon the scene transforming all the life on earth like nothing that you've seen but there's one lucky hombre who can make them build machines, he's Gen Rex." Rex sang.

Six swept Rex's leg, held a sword to his neck, and said, "Pretty catchy Rex."

Six helped Rex up and a woman walked towards them and said, "You two better not have broken any of my stuff!"

"We didn't break anything Holiday," Rex said.

She was about to talk some more when an alarm went off. She rushed to a monitor and said, "Rex how fast can you get to Manhattan?"

"About five minutes," Rex said.

He sprouted hover jets from his back and grabbed Six before flying off. They flew above a large building in Manhattan and they saw a large orb of electrical energy hovering over a large park with lakes. A robot came out of the orb and started destroying cars and buildings.

"I'll take the robot, you take the sphere." Six said juping away from Rex.

Rex jumped and flew toward the sphere as a large airship pulled up behind him.

"I hope Providence doesn't shoot me in the but while I'm trying to save theirs," Rex said.

 He got close to the sphere and he saw two large dinosaur-like bipedal silhouettes falling towards him. He made his arms mechanical and swung at the two dino creatures. They caught the fist and one said, "YOU JUST MADE 2 HUMUNGOUS MISTAKES!!!"

The dino creatures punched Rex and he crashed into a lake shortly followed by the creatures. One had a while hourglass symbol on its chest and the other one had a red hourglass.

"All of you alien wannabe criminals should know by now,  you mess with Rin you get the 10!" The dinosaur with the white symbol said.

"That was a terrible pun Rin." The other dino said.

"Shut up Albedo I know!" The now identified Rin said.

"Rin? The 10? You guys are loco!!" Rex said.

Rex swung at them with a robotic arm and forced them under the lake after turning his arms into mechanical tentacles. Suddenly there was a flash of red and white light and the dinos were replaced with bulky humanoids made of crystal who ripped off the tentacles.

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