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I am reworking Oranges because I'm bored and I felt ashamed anytime my eyes looked upon it, so here I am, writing this to you guys.

I am also working on other things, so this book won't be complete for a while, so be patient with my busy schedule.

All the Author's Notes will be wrote here, so it is not strewn around the book like last time. You guys seemed to like it with my other books, so I'll do it again for convenience.

Thank you for your support and I hope you will enjoy my fanfiction.


As Always Folks, Happy Reading!!



Hey guys!

So, here are a couple pieces of related things that you certainly don't have to look at, but they are here if you need a reference.

I am relating most of these things to the Legend of Zelda, because I have been obsessed with that recently, so... here you are.

Oranges Main Theme, Feanel's theme, (Flute/Violin)

The condition to summon Vreme, the Djinn of Time (Flute)

Your theme :) (Flute/Violin/Handheld Harp)





Probably will add more later.

As Always Folks, Happy Reading!!



Oranges; Sinbad x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now