C3 - The (Almost) Kiss

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I sat up in my bed, grumbling and groaning from exhaustion. 'What woke me up this time?' I wondered, tired.

   I looked at my clock; it read-only 6:26 AM. I stared at the time-teller for a while, but my attention quickly turned from the clock to my window, the sound of soft, rapid knocks filling the air. Curious, I walked over to my window and opened the curtains gradually. A boy was there. A boy I knew.

   "Are you. . . gonna let me in?" He asked.

I laughed a little bit, relieved that he wasn't a murderer or something. "Sorry," I apologized, "I forgot that you were coming over."

   I opened the window all the way, allowing Hunter to climb through.

"So unreliable," He muttered, with an amused hint playing at his voice. I chuckled at him.

"Yea yea. . . make yourself at home," I said. Seeing his cape though, I added "Do you wanna change? I've got my own bathroom."

Hunter unbuttoned his cape to reveal some flannel pajamas. "I think I'll be good for now."

   He gave me a charming smile and started to look around my room. "So, Blight. What do you wanna do now?"

"Sleep," I said drowsily.

He laughed, his chipped tooth showing off. I felt my heart flutter. So adorable!

"Then let's sleep," he agreed. "I can sleep on the floor or in your desk chair if you want. I don't want to be a bother anyway."

"Nah, It's all good!" I assured him, "You can have my bed. I'll sleep in the chair."

Hunter smiled. Well, I think it was a smile. It was a bit lop-sided and he didn't show his teeth.

"If you insist," he said, dragging out the word 'insist.'

He plopped onto my bed, quickly making himself comfortable. Seeing him stretched out like that made something click for me.

   The kid used reverse psychology on me!

"Hey, wait a minute," I stuttered.

The boy just started laughing with his face in the sheets as my own turned red with slight embarrassment. Outsmarted! He outsmarted me! A Blight! But. . . then again, it was kind of cute to see him laugh.

   I stared at him with a blank expression as I waited for his laughter to stop. He flipped himself over onto his back and gave me an amused look.

   "I'm just kidding y'know," He said. "I wouldn't take your bed if you didn't want me to." He pondered for a moment before sitting up. "We could share the bed if you want. I don't mind taking one side anyway. It's a big bed."

   I smiled awkwardly—I could feel my face heat up a little again—when he said that. Hunter? In my bed? I was already freaking out with him even being in my room. Much less my bed! I didn't know what to do, so I ended up nodding vigorously. The action made me cringe a little on the inside.

   What the fudge am I doing right now?

   Pull yourself together, Blight! It's not even that romantic.


       I watched Hunter unpack his backpack. He pulled out an outfit, consisting of what looked like baggy jeans, shoes, and a sweater and placed it onto my dresser table.

   I got a bit bored watching him set up some of his stuff and checked my room watch to see if the time had changed. Only 7:58 AM.

   I might as well get something to eat, right? I stood up to go get something from the kitchen to eat.

Kiss Me. [GOLDRIC]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat