C9 - A Plan

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"Hunter!" I called out desperately, struggling against the guards. One of the coven scouts finally seemed fed up with my antics and cast a quick spell, chaining me up and stuffing a rag in my mouth. They dragged me through the halls of the Emperor's Castle, to whom I'd assume would either be my parents or Belos.

   Of course, my assumption (as it has been for the last few days) was wrong. They threw me onto the ground outside and I felt the bonding of my chains disappear. I stood up and dusted myself off. After meeting Hunter, I could think straight about one thing and one thing only: I needed to do something.

   But how? I mean, it's Belos, so. . . I should go to Luz! And the Owl Lady! Especially the Owl Lady. She's been in jail a ton, so she's the most help. King won't be much help, but he's cute, so King too!

   I took the gag out of my mouth and threw it to the side. I looked around my surrounding to find the quickest route to the Owl House. Through the trees possibly? Maybe I should ask Luz where it's at. I checked my back pockets for my scroll to no avail. Groaning inwardly, I realized I'd have to find the shack myself.


   After about two whole hours of walking, I finally reached Hooty's lair. Hooty spotted me and stretched over to greet me.

   "Heyyy there, best friend! What are you doing in this part of the woods?"

   I gave him a bored look. "I need to speak to Eda. It's important."

   "What about mEeE? Don't you wanna talk to me?" Hooty cracked.

   "Hooty, stop. Just let me in, please," I asked. "I seriously don't have time for you right now."

   Hooty's tone saddened. "Nobody ever does," then it brightened again, "Except for Lulu! She's so nice!" he screeched.

   "Hooty! Let me go inside." I raised my voice at him.

   "Okay, okay, fine!" he muttered something else before finally opening the door to the house and letting me walk in.

"Eda!" I called out. "I need your expertise on cops!"

I heard rustling throughout the house before Eda poked her head out from behind the corner of a wall. She walked out from the hallway to greet me. "Hey, kid! You're purple kid's brother, right?"

"Yeah, that's me," I confirmed. "Anyway, Eda, I need your help. It's urgent."

Eda plopped onto her couch and put her feet on the center table. She hummed. "It depends on what it is, kid. I already told Luz I'd help her figure out more about Belos and how to get her home."

   I didn't take a second to think. "Well then maybe you can help me too," I said. "I need a way to get my friend out of Belos' custody. He's in danger."

   Eda raised an eyebrow at me. "And who is your friend?" she asked.

   "His name is Hunter—"

   "You mean the golden guard?" I heard a voice cut me off. Beside Eda, Luz had come in and plopped down on the sofa. She looked at me with wide eyes, waiting for an answer.

I cleared my throat. "Uhm, yeah." I explained to them what had happened earlier that day. Between my parents cornering me and the coven scouts throwing me out of the castle and even everything that had happened before that. Luz nodded as I spoke.

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