C17 - The Day of Unity 2

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"We're here to stop your plans, Belos!" Luz's voice boomed from beside me. She stood up as straight as she could, as if she was trying to look taller.

Belos chuckled. "You know, I've never really liked the name 'Belos.' It doesn't have quite the.. ring to it as other names do."

I cocked an eyebrow and looked at Hunter in confusion. He caught my eye and shrugged, just as confused as I was.

"What are you talking about?" Amity asked harshly. Belos ignored her.

"I've always wanted to try a new name. One that holds familiarity and a feeling of home. Wouldn't that be a wonderful idea, Luz?" he smirked as he pulled his hair into a low ponytail.

Luz furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't know what you're talking about," she spat. She put one of her hands into her jacket, ready to pull out a glyph if she needed to.

   "Hm.. what do you think of the name 'Phillip?'" he asked smoothly. Luz gasped and took a large step forward.

   "How do you know that name!" she yelled. Amity and Willow moved forward quickly to stand beside her. Belos smirked and raised an eyebrow in amusement.

   "Let's just say," Belos paused. "I'm closer to him than you think." He went to a nearby table and picked something up before walking back over to stand about 10 feet in front of Luz. He held up the object—it was an old viking-like helmet—and asked, "Does this look familiar to you, Luzura?"

   He threw the helmet down at Luz's feet. I watched her expression fade from anger and confusion to disbelief and confusion.

   "What?" her voice was barely a whisper, but it could still be picked up by the average ear.

   "It's too bad you fraternized with witches," he continued. "If you hadn't, I bet we could've been amazing friends. But no. No, no, no. You were infected much too quickly," he finished slowly, in fake-disappointment.

   Luz ground her teeth together, eyes wide. "That's not—no!" she yelled again. "There's no way! You're Belos! Just Belos!"

   I watched the scene unfold in complete disbelief. Everyone except Amity, Luz, and Belos were exchanging "what-the-titan-is-going-on" expressions.

   Belos let the god-awful smirk slide off his face. "Enough chatting. If you're not here to help me get to the human realm, which I assume you aren't, then make haste and get out of my sight. You're burdening me," he stated. He turned to a coat hook that hung beside him and pulled a long trench coat off of it, slipping it onto his body.

"Bur—burdening you?" Hunter voice rang, shrill and incredulous. "You're ruining peoples' lives! We have every right to want to stop you!" He gripped his palisman tighter and stood in a position that showed he was ready to attack the emperor. Belos narrowed his stupid, beady eyes at Hunter.

"Well, if it isn't my.. defective project," he spoke slowly. I saw Hunters body turn rigid for a second, but he quickly forced himself to relax. "Hm, it really is a shame," he continued, making his way to Hunter. I threw myself between them so that Belos couldn't get close to Hunter. He gave me a distasteful look, but kept talking to Hunter anyway.

"A shame that I left the coven? I've found a much better purpose for my life," Hunter grumbled from behind me.

Belos let out a humorless chuckle. "I take it that you haven't put two and two together then?" he asked, casting a quick glance at Luz, who had her eyebrows knitted together as she tried to understand everything. Belos sighed and looked at Hunter again, flicking the stray hair out of his face. "It's a shame, that you had to turn against me. You know, out of all the grimwalkers you looked the most like him."

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