C7 - When You Go Back Home

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       I kept my head down on the walk back to my house from the embarrassment that still lingered from lunch. Well, it wasn't just embarrassment. It was also a mix of excitement and longing. Which was embarrassing. It was kind of like a loop of emotions.

   Hunter and I went to my room in a comfortable sort of quietness. I sat at my desk and started at my homework while Hunter got cozy in my bed instead. Colors, my palismen, made herself cozy as well, except she was laying on Hunter's chest like a cat.

However, even in the silence that was seemingly comfortable, I couldn't shake off the memory. It wasn't that I didn't like what had happened. It was more of confusion as to why it happened. Eventually, the question welled up so big inside me that I couldn't fight it off anymore.

There was only one way to know anything, in my opinion.

   "Um, Hunter?" I addressed him. He turned his head to look at me.


   "Well, uh. Ya know, during lunch," I started, taking in a deep breath, "You remember how we were talking and you uh. . . um."

"How I kissed you?" Hunter finished for me.

"Yes, right!" I said.

"Yea, I remember. But why are you bringing that up now?"

I felt my face heat up. Not because I was caught off guard or anything, though. I mean, what's there to be caught off guard about, right?

"No reason," I put simply. "I was just wondering why you kissed me the way you did."

   Hunter laughed and leaned closer to me. "Why? Do you want me to do it again?"

   I backed up quickly. "No!" I yelled defensively, looking away. I was sure I was red.

   Hunter chuckled and felt him lean away. "I was kidding~! Don't get your pants all up in a twist."

   I huffed out and rolled my eyes at him. Before I could retort anything back, something crossed my mind.

   "Um, hey, Hunter?" I asked.

   Hunter gave an attentive look. "Yeah?"

   I hesitated before continuing. "Erm. . . after Friday, ya know, when you go back home. . ." I trailed off, unsure of what to say next.

   Hunter seemed to notice my hesitance because he placed a hand on my shoulder, urging me to continue. I took a deep breath and went on.

   "When you go back home," I started, "How. . . how are you going to face your parents? After being missing for a whole week?"

   I noticed Hunter's breathing speed up. "Hunter?"

   He looked upset for a moment. A split second at most, before covering it up with an awkward smile. "It's okay, Edric," He assured. Then, seeing my queasy face, he added, "Really, it's fine! I might get in trouble, but my guardian will understand. I promise I'll be fine."

   I took a deep breath in. "Okay, Hunter. I believe you." He hugged me and whispered to me.

   "Now finish your homework, love." He gave me a peck on the cheek and went to take a shower in my bathroom.

   Once he was gone, I leaned back in my chair and breathed out. I was still worried. I didn't know why, but I was. It was like one of those. . . argh, what did Luz call them? Hunches, I think? I started to fiddle with my hands. I'll try to talk to Luz about it at school tomorrow. I bet Amity has told her about my 'special guest' now anyway, so it shouldn't be too hard to tell Luz.

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