C5 - Boyfriends?

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"Well. . . what do you want us to be?"

   The question burned in my throat long after I had asked it. He seemed to have wanted what I wanted, but at the same time, it all felt too perfect. I know I'm probably just overreacting, but part of me still can't be sure of whether or not to trust him. He was pretty, a good listener, and could even do my math homework for me! Not to mention how much I liked him. However, I couldn't just forget that he was a part of the Emperor's coven. Those people were naturally not to be trusted, as I was taught not to get too close to them as a child.

   But how do I know Hunter isn't any different? There was only one to find out. I had to give him some sort of chance, right?


   "Be my boyfriend!"

   Before Hunter could say anything, I interrupted him. I saw his face turn into an expression of slight surprise and felt my own become hot. I looked away as I heard him chuckle at my sudden outburst.

   "Well? What's your answer?" I asked.

   He smiled. "I'll be your boyfriend."


I sat on my bed and stared blankly at the wall as I waited for Hunter to finish showering. While waiting, useless, busying thoughts filled my head and I soon forgot that I was waiting on Hunter.

Suddenly, I remembered that Hunter would have to go back to his castle soon. Dread filled my body and I groaned and leaned back on my bed.

"What are you groaning about?" I heard a voice ask.

I looked at the doorway to see Amity, my younger sister, standing there. Just great. Now I have to express my feelings. I groaned even louder and plopped backward, putting my hands over my face.

Amity must've sensed something was wrong because I felt her join my side on the bed.

"C'mon, Ed," she urged gently, "You can tell me."

I took a quick peek through my fingers before sighing. "Amity, can I ask you a question?"

"Uh— yeah sure. Shoot."

I gave her a puzzled look. "You want me to shoot you?"

Amity scratched her neck. "Sorry, Luz thing. It means go ahead and ask your question," She added.

I placed my hands on my stomach. "Well, can you keep a secret?"

Amity gave me a half-suspicious half-confused look. "Depends on the secret."


"Okay, okay! Fine. Yes, I can keep a secret."

"Someone's been staying the night here."

She gave me a funny look. ". . .who?"

"Well, um," I dragged on, "I don't think you know him, but he needed a place to stay for the week, so. . ."

"Does anyone else know?" She asked.

I nodded. "Emira does. I made a bet with her and it's kind of about the person I'm housing."

Amity sighed. "Can I at least know who you're housing?"

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