C11 - Eda's New Runaway

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   Shouts and cries of agony could be heard all around them. "What the hell is happening?!" yelled Raine.

   The guy in the clock looked around wildly before turning back to us. "Does it matter? We've got a diversion at the very least! Let's go!" they commanded.

   Raine quickly pulled the cloak onto themself and I followed suit. We dashed down the corridors after the cloaked figure. I only got a flash of what was happening, but man, was it a sight. People were fighting the coven guards and screaming and trying to break through their cells! Raine, the cloaked guy, and I took a sharp right turn and practically flew up the stairs. We hit a dead end and the hood of the guy in the cloak came up just a bit so that I could see them.

   'It's the head of the Abomination Coven!' I thought in a panic. Why was he trying to break us out? Before I could rationalize the situation, Raine yelled something at me that I couldn't hear. They grabbed my arm and pulled me up. Without a thought, I crawled through a small opening in the walls.

   I collapsed onto the dewy grass, panting. Raine and Darius were out of breath too, but not nearly as much as me. Raine held out a hand to me and I took it, standing up. "We're not done yet," they said. "We still need to carry out the mission."

   Beside me, Darius agreed. "That's right. We need to get the golden kid out of there, whether he likes it or not."

"Wait," I told the two of them. "Why are you helping us?" I looked in the direction of Darius.

Raine nodded at him and Darius sighed. "Because I hate the emperor just as much as you do," he answered simply.

   I let out a strained noise of surprise. 'I guess the heads of the covens aren't as loyal as to Belos as I thought.' Before I could think about anything else, Darius darted around the corner of the castle.

   "C'mon!" Raine whisper-shouted. I followed them out into the back of the forest. When I got there, there was another cloaked figure whom I immediately assumed to be another coven head. We were around the back of the castle, right under Hunter's window. Darius used abomination goop to make stairs up to his window. He tried to push and pull the window open to no avail. He looked down at Raine, the other coven head—probably—and me.

He shook his head slightly before looking back at the window. Raine let out a small gasp before letting a strained yell out. "No! Don't! You'll attract guards and—" but it was too late. Darius transformed some more abomination goop into a bat and smashed the window. Crash! Rumbling from the doors, dozens of guards came.

"Hey!" one shouted.
"Halt!" another one screamed.

   And all of a sudden, they came stampeding after us like a heard of wild animals. Raine and I looked up at the window in a hurry. Darius was still in Hunters room. Before anyone had time to think, I drew a quick circle with my hands, casting a huge illusion. Around us, instead of the castle and forest, was a thick swamp-like area. Raine spared a hushed 'good job, kid' at me and stared intently at the window.

   I could only focus on the illusion I was casting, zoning most-everything else out. My spells could only subdue an enemy for a short amount of time. Barely, I heard a gasp and a shout from Darius. I started to lose focus of the illusion, letting it flicker, before someone grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me away.

   "C'mon, let's go! We got him!" Raine called out to me. In the corner of my eye, I could see Hunter tied up in Darius's goop, struggling to get out of it. I quickly found my footing beside Raine and ran as fast as I could.

   The shouts of the coven guards could be heard as they muffled. Darius, Raine, the other cloaked figure, and I found a large underbrush and found cover. We all plopped down beside each other.

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