C8 - The Emperor's Coven

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   It was the day. Friday, I mean. The day Hunter goes back home. We stood outside the Emperor's castle by the back wall, where none of the guards could see or hear us.

   "I'll. . . see you around?" Hunter asked awkwardly.

   I nodded in response. I didn't know why, but I felt like if I had tried to speak, the lump in my throat would get caught and I'd start to cry. Hunter seemed to notice my shakiness, and he gave me a reassuring squeeze of my shoulder before continuing.

   "We'll still see each other around, Edric. It's not the end of the world," he said.

   He waited for me to answer, but I was too focused on the ground to say anything. My eyes were starting to get teary.

   'Titan, Edric. Why the hell are you getting so emotional. It's not like you'll never see him again," I tried to reason with myself.

   After realizing I wasn't going to answer, Hunter sighed and went to get onto Rascal to fly to his room. Before he flew off, he gave me a small wave that I could see out of the corner of my eye and bid me goodbye.

   Once Hunter flew away, I started to walk home. The walk was a blur. I remember kicking a rock, though.

   Before I knew it, I was at my front door. I opened it slowly, only barely getting through before being snatched into the house.

"Hey, what gives—!" I yelled, quickly shutting up when I found myself face-to-face with my entire family.

   I was cornered against the front door. My mom was giving me a disgusted look, while my dad was giving one that expressed concern, and Emira and Amity looked guilty. I immediately pieced it together. I drew in a sharp breath and waited for the scolding that was about to hit me in the face.

"Edric Blight." My mom folded her arms. "Care to explain where you went?"

I attempted to look Mom in the eyes, failing miserably. I let out an unintelligible murmur. I didn't even have to look at her to know she was. . . how do I say. . . pissed? Her breathing was deep and heavy and I knew she was giving me the deadliest glare she could muster, despite not looking at her.

"Speak up, boy. Your mother didn't teach you to ignore her," lectured my dad.

I bit my lip. "I was with someone from the Emperors Coven," I declared as clearly as I could. "But I was only escorting him home, Mom! It was proper etiquette. You taught me that."

Mom's voice turned sour. "Does escorting an Emperors Coven kid also mean housing him behind your parents' backs, Edric?"

My breathing sped up and I could hear my heart start to pound. "I—Mom! I was just—"

Mom stuck a hand up, and I held my tongue. "To make up for your immaturity and irresponsibility, you'll be taking extra classes at school. As well as! You will never see that boy again," she asserted.

    Before she could say by thing else or walk away, I blurted, "What? That's totally unfair! Who cares if I'm dating someone from the coven or—"

"You're what?" Mom interrupted.

My eyes widened as I slapped a hand over my mouth to keep from speaking.

   I attempted to shoot a glance at my sisters and Dad for help, and, thank titan, my dad attempted to jump in. "Odalia, maybe we should think before we act upon this," he reasoned.

   Mom's face looked like it was about to burst. "Calm down? Calm down? Your son just admitted to dating someone from the Emperors Coven. He deserves to be taught a lesson!"

Kiss Me. [GOLDRIC]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora