C4 - Strolls and Kisses

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"What's the plan for today, Ed?" Hunter asked, a smile playing at his face.

"Well", I said, "The carnival doesn't start until tomorrow, and it's still a bit early. We could go out to grab some lunch and figure things out from there?"

The boy smiled. "Alright, Blight."

Hunter jumped up from my bed and went to change himself in my bathroom. When he came out, he was wearing a sweater and some baggy jeans.

"Ready to go?" I asked. I had changed while Hunter was changing.

The boy nodded and he grabbed my hand, letting me lead the way.


I let go of Hunter's hand when we reached our destination.

   It was a central park in Boiling Isles. We didn't exactly have fall like in the human world, but our trees did turn different colors, their leaves falling occasionally.

I looked at the breath-taking sight in awe, only turning to see Hunter's face in awe as well.

On one side of the park were two food stands; one for drinks and the other for food. On the opposite side of the park, there were picnic tables and a trail that I assumed wrapped around the entire field. It was blocked by trees, so I couldn't tell you for sure.

I tuned back into the real world and saw Hunter heading for the stands. I followed him, knowing that he probably wouldn't be able to pay for the food without me.

I watched the boy order his food, and then I ordered mine. We got some drinks as we waited for our meals to be prepared.

Hunter took a sip out of his drink. "Mmm," he moaned at the sweet taste of his drink, "I was parched. Thanks, Edric!"

He grinned at me.

I smiled and laughed awkwardly. "It was no problem. I figured it would be good to get out of my house anyway."

Before Hunter could reply, the "diiinnng!" of a bell went off.

"I'll get it!" Hunter said hurriedly. He half-ran, half-walked to the stand, and grabbed the tray that contained our food.

I watched him sit down and unwrap his burger. He took a bite out of it, swallowed, and then looked at me.

"Pfft— what?" I asked, smiling.

"You've got ketchup on your cheek," Hunter said, stifling his laughter.

My face turned red, probably matching the ketchup. I reached for a napkin without paying attention.

My face turned to even more embarrassment when I realized I accidentally grabbed Hunter's hand instead.

"Sorry!" I stuttered. I yanked my hand back, the heat never leaving my cheeks. I peeked at Hunter, who seemed to look like he was about to burst.

And then, as if by queue, he started laughing.

"It wasn't that funny!" I exclaimed, trying to get Hunter to calm down. I wiped my cheek on my sleeve to get the ketchup off, and the boy started laughing even harder.

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