C12 - A Night Over

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I turned to walk up the stairs to find Hunter and Luz. I looked into each doorway, leaning in, in hopes to hear some kind of commotion. Finally, I stopped in front of one of the doors. I leaned in to it and heard a howl of laughter erupt from inside. I raised an eyebrow before lightly knocking on the door.

No one answered, but the laughing continued. I cracked open the door and immediately ducked as a tube of nail polish came flying at me.

"Edric!" Hunter gasped. He ran over to me. "Are you alright?"

I let out a short laugh. "I'm all good. What are you guys doing in here?"

Luz answered first. "We're having a sleepover!" she exclaimed. "You want in, Edric?"

"Why not?" I chuckled.

Luz smiled widely. "Perfect," she purred, drumming her fingers. I felt a bead of sweat slide down the side of my face and I laughed nervously.

Beside me, Hunter groaned. "Uh—what's wrong?" I asked.

Hunter positioned his mouth close to my ear and cupped it with his hand so that Luz couldn't hear. "What if she starts using her human magic on us?" he whispered worriedly. I gave him an awkward smile and opened my mouth to respond but—

"Hey! I heard that!" Luz shouted, pointing a finger at Hunter.

"Wha—how could you possibly have heard what I said?!" Hunter yelled back. Luz blew a raspberry at him with her hands out, wiggling her fingers. "You're so immature!" he groaned.

Luz smirked and took a deep breath. "Anywayyy," she dragged out, "I think we should do something to pass the time."

I gave her a confused look. "Like sleeping?" I asked. "It is pretty late, after all."

"Yeah, it's like 2am," Hunter agreed.

Luz groaned. "C'mon guys," she whined. "Can't we at least do something?"

Hunter and I exchanged a look. Hunter sighed and turned back to face Luz. "Fine," he gave in. "One activity. After that, I'm going to bed."

Luz squealed and started to rummage under her bed. From under it, she pulled out some nail polish tubes. "Let's paint nails!" she offered.

I felt my lips curl into a small smile. "Got any magenta?" I asked. Luz nodded her head eagerly and I plopped down criss-cross-applesauce in front of her. She sat down on her knees, while hunter sat holding his knees.

Luz rummaged thought the bag before pulling out the magenta shade of nail polish. I held out my hand to her and she took it, carefully painting each and every nail. When she was done, she blew on them before taking Hunters hand.

"Name a color!" She said.

Hunter seemed a bit caught off guard by getting to choose his own color, but said something quickly anyway. "Do you have gold?" he asked. Luz quickly pulled out the color and started painting his nails.

I stared at Hunter as he got his nails done. How could I not? He was so pretty. So perfect. I felt like I could get lost in my daydreams about him if I didn't carry a map. I was quickly snapped back to reality when Luz started waving her hand in front of my face.

"Hellooo," she greeted absently.

"Huh? Oh, uh, yea Luz?" I stuttered.

She cocked an eyebrow at me. "You okay? You zoned out."

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me," I assured.

Luz looked between me and Hunter before making an 'AHA!' face. She winked at me and let out a tired stretch. "Well, I'm beat," she yawned. "I think I'm gonna head to my room now. You can room with Hunter if you're staying, Ed."

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