C13 - Lumity VS Goldric

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The living room had been turned into a war field. Shouting and spells filled any possible empty space there could have been. Eda and Luz tried their best to hold Amity back while Darius and I were fighting to keep Hunter from hurting anyone. Raine was blocking spells from hitting anyone with their bard magic while Hooty protected them if they missed something.

   "Amity! Calm down!" Luz shouted.
   "She's not worth it, Hunter!" I yelled.

   No matter how much anyone tried, nothing seemed to deter them from their bloodlust. Plus, it was getting harder to keep them away from one another. Every time I thought I had Hunter restrained, he teleported away and Darius had to shoot abomination goop all over the place before he could grab Hunter again.

   Not to mention that Amity was trying to attack him too. She constantly shot goop his way the same as Darius did, except hers was sharper and stuck to the walls.

   I saw an opening into the fight and swiftly grabbed Hunter, pulling his arms behind his back. "Unhand me, Edric!" he commanded, resisting my hold on him.

   "Not until you get yourself under control!" I called out. "You're going to hurt somebody if you keep this up!"

   Hunter stopped struggling for a minute at the thought of accidentally hurting someone, but Amity retaliated. "It's not like he doesn't do that anyway!" she snorted.

   Immediately, Hunter slipped out of my grasp. "Why you little—" I quickly pushed my self into him, causing us to topple and fall onto the ground. I pinned him down, taking his palisman and handing it to Darius. When he finally realized he was trapped, he relaxed, taking in short gasps of air.

   Luz was able to calm Amity too. She gave her girlfriend a kiss on the cheek, and Amity smiled at her, despite her previous attempts at murder.

   I climbed off of Hunter and helped him up, pulling him into a hug. "Promise me you won't lash out like that again," I demanded softly. I felt Hunter bury his head in my shoulder.

   "Promise," he mumbled.

I thought back to earlier. How did this fight even start? I recollected my thoughts. I remembered it only vaguely, due to everything being a blur. Hunter and I had come downstairs when Amity arrived. We sat on the couch beside Raine. Darius, who had been talked into staying a little longer by Raine, sat on an armchair. And Eda stood beside Luz and Amity on the side of the coffee table that was opposite to us.

The conversation had started normal, friendly even. It became a bit darker when everyone started talking about the coven and Belos, but everyone's boundaries were still respected. That is, until Amity made a snide remark about how Hunter could still be the emperor's dog. Darius and Raine jumped in, attempting to defend Hunter, but Amity only moved her attention to me.

"And you! How do we know that you haven't been brainwashed?" she interrogated. "You can't seriously tell me that you think Mr. I-Kiss-The-Emperors-Butt has suddenly come to join our side, can you?"

I remember getting angry at her and almost yelling at her to shut up, but Hunter stood up before I could. He gave her a snarky expression, glaring at her. Like he was better than her.

"Y'know, maybe if you weren't such an inattentive little ankle-biter, you'd know that I would never do anything to harm Edric," Hunter scoffed. "You'd also know that it would be in your best interest to butt out of other peoples' business and keep your nose where it belongs, m'kay?"

I watched Amity get mad. Like, really mad. "If something bad happens to my brother, that is my business! Besides, without Edric, you'd still be rotting in your coven cell thinking that Belos is a good person!" she shouted.

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