ONESHOT - Prom Night

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Hello, lovelies! This is a one shot I decided to make for pride month at the last minute. Some info: This is a human AU. Basically, the witch realm doesn't exist and everyone that are witches in the show are humans in this AU.

Luz, Hunter, and Vee are adoptive siblings. Hunter came from an abusive  household and Vee was a runaway. Luz loves them both with all her heart and is always trying to make them feel at home. They've been adoptive siblings for about a year and a half. Hunter is 17, Luz, Amity, and Vee are 15, and Edric is also 17.

Amity, Luz's girlfriend, is rivals with Hunter because she doesn't like the fact that he likes her brother.

One more thing: Eda is just a cool aunt, and Darius, Raine, and Eberwolf are her friends. They're not included in the one shot, but I just thought I'd make that clear.

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   Hunter stood in the mirror, looking himself up and down with doubt. "Are you sure about this?" he asked. "I feel like a dork."

   Luz rolled her eyes playfully. "You look great, Hunter!" she assured. "Trust me, when Edric sees you, his jaw is gonna drop so far, it reaches the center of the Earth."

   Luz realized that her words didn't mean much when she heard a sigh come from Hunter. With a huff, she stood up from Hunter's bed and walked over to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

   "Seriously, you look great," she said. Hunter gave her a small smile before he turned his attention to his bow tie, fiddling with it. Luz gave him a confused look. "What's wrong?" she asked.

   "This stupid tie. It's ridiculous. I can't get it to go the way I want it to," Hunter complained. Luz only let out a short laugh in response. She turned her head to the doorway of Hunter's room.

   "Vee!" she called out. "We need you to do Hunter's neck tie!" A muffled 'okay' was heard, along with some shuffling, before Vee burst through the door with her hands slightly wet.

   Vee looked from Luz to Hunter. "Sorry for the short wait," she apologized. "I was washing the dishes."

   "It's all good," Luz accepted the apology. "You know how to tie a tie, right? Will you tie Hunter's?"

   Hunter rubbed the back of his neck with one of his hands and held out the piece of fabric that was supposed to go around his neck with the other. Vee gave a short laugh and walked over to him.

   "Here, let me see that," she instructed, taking the tie gently from Hunter's hands. She put it around the back of his neck and tied into a neat bow in the front before flipping his collar down. "There you go!" she said.

   "Thanks. It looks good," Hunter praised, looking at himself in the mirror. Luz opened her mouth to agree, before she was interrupted by the doorbell.

   "I'll get it!" Vee offered, quickly making her way to the front door. Hunter and Luz followed behind her, wanting to see who it was.

   When the door opened, Hunter was pleasantly surprised with the face of his favorite person. He almost tripped going down the stairs, wanting to greet Edric first, but he was stopped in his tracks when another face was in the door frame. The other face, much to Hunter's dismay, fueled Luz to get over to the door as quickly as possible. She almost ran into Hunter, in fact.

   "Amity!" Luz greeted happily, hugging the cotton-haired demon. "It's so great to see you!"  Luz pulled away from the hug to get a better look at her girlfriend. "I didn't know you were coming over. You should've told me so that I could have prepared something for us to do!"

   Amity flushed, almost embarrassed. "Sorry, Luz. I wanted to surprise you." She held out some flowers and a book with some stupid 'Azura' character printed on the front of it. Luz gasped, taking the present happily.

   "Aww, you shouldn't have! This is so sweet, Amity!" Luz thanked her, before leading her to the living room. Hunter watched them walk away, almost sure that he got off the hook of Amity's fishing line. But just before they were out of sight, he caught Amity's eye as she shot him a glare. He rolled his eyes at her.

   "Hey, you okay?" A voice asked, jerking Hunter out of his thoughts.

   "Uh, yeah, I'm fine!" Hunter assured. Edric cocked an eyebrow at him.

   "Whatever you say," he said. "Anyway, um... I like the outfit." Hunter tensed up at the compliment.

   "Oh, um! Thanks!" He sputtered, trying his best to give Edric a solid smile.

   Edric smiled at Hunter and took his hand. "C'mon, don't wanna be late for the party, do we?"

   Hunter only nodded in response, gripping onto Edric's hand as he led him to the car.


   The boys had the best junior prom ever. They danced and drank punch, and ate pretty much the entirety of the snack bar. They got in line for the photo booth at least four times, not bothering to pay for any of the photos and just playing with the props. After all, they took plenty of pictures on their own phones. And by the end of prom night, they were all partied out and ready to go home.


   Edric and Hunter sat in Edric's car. They had just made it back to where Hunter lived at around 11pm - 12am. Hunter unbuckled his seat belt, preparing to get out of the car, when he stopped abruptly and turned to Edric.

   "Um, I had a really great time tonight," Hunter said with a tired smile. "I'd love to do this again sometime."

   Edric looked slightly taken aback, but he regained his sense of self and smiled back at Hunter. "Yeah, how about at senior prom?"

   Hunter's eyes lit up. "I'd love to! Yeah, let's go to senior prom together too!" Edric laughed a bit at his excitement.

   "I'll see you at school on Monday," Edric laughed lightly, picking up Hunter's hand and giving it a light kiss. Hunter flushed. He moved his hand from Edric's hand to his chin and pulled him closer. Hunter leaned in a little so that they were about an inch apart.

   "Can I kiss you, Edric? As a thanks for tonight?" Hunter asked softly. Edric smiled at him.

   "I accept your thanks," Edric said, closing his eyes and leaning in.

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The End. :D

Kiss Me. [GOLDRIC]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora