C14 - Books'n'Stuff

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It had been two weeks since the plan for the Day of Unity was proposed and confirmed. Hunter had been living with Eda, Luz, and King as he got used to hiding out and interacting with other people.

I, on the other hand, was forced to go back home after my first night at the Owl House. I went to visit him almost every day after school, since Hunter had withdrew from Hexside and that was the only time I could see him. My mom still hadn't come to terms with Hunter and I dating and she would constantly nag me about it. My dad had agreed with it, but with a stern warning that I be careful and not go crying to him if Hunter broke my heart.

I pulled up to the Owl House on my bike. Since it was a Saturday, I went to visit Hunter as soon as I woke up.

"Edric!" Screeched Hooty. "You're back! Oh, it's so good to see you! I missed you, hoot!" I chuckled.

"I was here yesterday, Hooty," I said, rolling my eyes at the bird demon light-heartedly. Hooty ignored my statement with (what I think it was) a bright expression.

"You're here to see the angry blond kid again, right?" he questioned, turning his head around. "Well, he's not here right now, hoot!"

I gave Hooty a puzzled expression. "So where is he then?" I asked.

"Luz took him book shopping! She said she'd be back in a couple hours!" Hooty replied. I nodded.

"Can I go inside to wait for them, then?" I questioned. "I don't really have anything else to do today."

Hooty thought about it for a second before shouting happily. "I don't see why not!" He opened the door for me and I walked inside gratefully.

When I went inside, I saw Eda on the couch, practicing glyphs with King beside her.

"Go, Eda, go! You can do it!" King cheered. Eda was drawing glyphs and hitting them like no tomorrow.

"Hey," I greeted, waving. Eda looked up at me.

"Oh, hey, kid! I was just practicing some magic. Wanna join?" she asked. I thought for a moment before nodding and sitting down beside her.

"I don't see why not." I looked over the papers scattered along the coffee table.

"Ooh, Ooh! Can I try one, Eda? Please!" King begged. Eda chuckled and slid a piece of paper to him.

"Knock yourself out," Eda replied. King's eyes brightened and he slapped the paper, a huge vine shooting from it. "Woah, not bad!" Eda praised. King laughed as Eda slid some paper to me. Four different pieces, each with its own symbol.

"These are the four bases of magic glyphs," Eda explained. "There's plant, fire, ice, and light." She pointed to each paper in turn before grabbing another piece and writing different glyphs on the same paper in a 'chain' formation. "While each glyph works on its own just fine, you can also make newer, different spells if you write them this way."

I nodded. "Sweet. Can I try?" I asked. Eda nodded.

"Go ahead!" she said. I looked over the glyphs and pointed to one.

"This is the light one, right?" Eda only laughed in response.

"Why don't you give it a go? See for yourself!" She exclaimed. I hesitated before hitting the paper. It crumpled and turn into a small ball of light as I watched it intently.

"That's so cool!" I yelled.

King nodded. "It's a lot cooler when Luz does it though!" he interrupted. "She's amazing when it comes to using glyphs!"

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