His Territory

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Nishinoya wheezed, leaning against the sink whilst pulling at his tie. "What the hell happened? Why didn't you show up to GS? Man, I thought Ushijima sensei was gonna kill me when he asked me where you were."

(Y/N) shuffled her feet, pulling at her skirt nervously. "I couldn't go to class."

He frowned, worry flashing across his features as he noticed her fidgeting. "Why what's wrong? Did he hurt you?". His voice turned sharper towards the end, laced with suspicion. Nishinoya stared at her legs, narrowing his gaze. "I'll kick his ass if you need me to."

She shook her head, unable to meet his eyes. "Um-, well. The thing is he did do something..."

Nishinoya's expression darkened and as she saw this, her hands went flying into the air. "...He took my underwear" she hurriedly explained, fighting down the embarrassment at having to admit that out loud.

The boy's face went blank for a moment, slowly slackening ever passing second until his mouth formed a perfect 'o'. "For real?" he asked incredulously.

"For real" she echoed back somberly.

A beat passed, the two of them staring at each other until - he burst out laughing. "We no longer be snatching weaves. However, panties on the other hand...."

(Y/N) threw her bag at him, scowling heavily at the way he wiggled his eyebrows ridiculously. "I'll smash your skull against the mirror" she threatened lowly, putting her hands on her hips.

Nishinoya's eyes grew wide, cowering against the tiled wall. "Chill okay. This is a child-safe zone, we do not condone any acts of violence or aggressive behaviour beca-."

The door opened as a girl came inside but she abruptly stopped upon catching sight of Nishinoya. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You do know that this is the girl's bathroom right?"

He cocked his hip out, evenly staring right back at her. "So what? This is 2021, we don't judge what's between someone's legs alright" he said sarcastically. Walking over to the girl, he placed a hand on her shoulder whilst giving her a bright smile. "If you've got a problem with me wanting to take a piss here then may I kindly direct you to the third floor bathroom?"

Nishinoya started to push her towards the door as she protested. "Wait hold u-."

Pushing her body through the door, he cheerfully waved. "We are having an intervention here. Have a good day."

Shutting the door, he used his body to drape across it, keeping it securely closed. "Anyways where were we? Oh yeah, the disappearance of your panties."

(Y/N) face-palmed.

"So you gonna skip Chem?" he asked, happily drumming his fingers against the door frame. "No" she sighed. "It was just this lesson. Had to calm down or otherwise I would have probably passed out or something from the embarrassment. Don't think I could have managed to get through the lesson without fucking up somehow you know."

Leaning against the wall, she was painfully aware of every single movement of her lower body, the slightest shift of her skirt. "Why didn't you tell me he had a tongue piercing?" she accused with a glare.

Nishinoya's smile dropped. "He has a what?"

"Tongue piercing. He ate me out on his desk like he was dying of thirst". Her thighs clenched once as the memory washed over. Maybe she would have focused on it more if it weren't for Nishinoya's indifferent stare searing through her body. "What?"

He shook his head, looking oddly distant. "Nothing, I just didn't know....that he had a tongue piercing" he murmured.

(Y/N) looked at him with faint surprise. "You didn't?"

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