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Okay so these are some questions that people have sent me THANK YOU FOR ALL OF THE QUESTIONS LOL!! I'll have to start doing these more often lol!!.

What is your favorite thing on wattpad?

My favorite thing on wattpad is (1) talking to my BFFs and (2) all the drama in the books that go on and then it goes on into a cliff hanger your all like UPDATEEEEE!! Plzzz!!!! Update!!!

What is your favorite book that you have written???

His Kid! I love that book and I can't lie I think that it's the best I've ever written being that it's only my 2nd book.

Favorite food?

Shrimp Fettuccine Alfredo. Mmmmmm!!! Sooooo good!!

Favorite book?

The Fault In Our Stars that is such a good book and movie!!

Favorite singer other than Shawn?

Ooo tough one there lol!! I could say....ummm idk lol! That one was hard bc all I listen to is Shawn but I could say...I have a bunch but If I had to choose over Shawn then it would be Ed Sheeran.

How do you feel about what happened to One Direction?

I feel really bad bc Zayn will never get a normal 22 year old life. He's still famous and will still have paparazzi following him and his fiancé around so basically I feel bad and who else will be able to hit the high notes like that. That's right no one in the band but Zayn.

Favorite Drink??


Favorite Candy??

Sour Patch Kids bc/ I may be sour at some points then I'm sweet 😏

Favorite book on wattpad??

All of the Shawn imagines books I looovvvveee them bc they give me the feels lol!!!

Have you watched fifty shades of grey?


Best friend on wattpad??

mendessmuffin haha shes soo nice, funny, and a very sweet person!!

What is your favorite thing about writing??

Well, my favorite thing about writing is when you are adding all of the dialogue and action and the drama all in the book you're all like 'OH YESSSS!!! SHAWN SHOULD DO THIS OR CAMERON SHOULD DO THAT AND THEN NASH AND TAYLOR!! CAN DO SUCH AND SUCH!! Lol!!

How do you get inspired?

I get inspired by people that like inspire me to do things like my BFFs how they want me to do this and that and the other by saying all kinds of motivating stuff lol!!

What is your favorite type if imagine /or fan fiction??

My favorite type of imagine is like sometimes the dirty one but most likely the long and cute ones Lol!!!

Thanks for all of the questions ad if I get some more then I'll do a part 2 what do y'all think about that???!!

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