The Voicemail Part 2

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Shawn's P.O.V

I hesitated to listen to a single voice mail because I know they were from Y/N, well at least one.

Well, I decided to open it because it might be an emergency, who knows she might be hurt.

I listened to the voicemail and I heard her beautiful voice.

I can admit I do miss her a lot.

'Hey Shawn it's Y/N and I know you won't ever talk to me ever again but what you don't understand is that it was all a mistake and you may never believe me but It really was. I didn't know nothing I was foolish. Being with out your love is very hurtful. I never imagined I'll be sitting here beside my self. I never felt the feeling that I'm feeling. Now that I don't hear your voice or have your touch and kiss your lips. I don't have a choice but to deal with it. What I wouldn't give to have you lying by my side, right here. When you left I lost a part of me. It's still so hard to believe, come back baby please because I really miss you and I need you. Who else am I gonna lean on when times get rough? Who's gonna talk to me on the phone until the sun comes up? Who's gonna take your place? There is no one better out there like you. When you're on my mind I listen to your songs and admire your angelic voice. This is all breaking my heart and I'm trying to keep it together as much as I can. I'm feeling all out of my element. I'm throwing things, crying trying to figure out where the hell I went wrong. I'm not even half of what I'm feeling inside. I need you Shawn, I need you back in my life. I know you may never listen to me or listen to this but I miss you and I really love you. I screwed up I really did and I know that but I love you. I just wanted you to know that.....

I'm falling to pieces....'

This was the first time I've ever heard her voice ever since I left.

I decided to go talk to her. I slipped on my vans and went to my car and drove to the house that used to be ours.

Once I got there I quickly opened the door and jogged to her front door. I never felt this nervous to knock in someone's door.

Your P.O.V

I was laying on the couch thinking about Shawn and also listening to his song 'Aftertaste'.

This song was probably about me because it sounds like exactly what happened during this breakup situation. I just wish I can go back and change things and stopped myself from what I was doing but I wasn't paying attention, my mind wasn't clear and of course I regret it.

'One more kiss is all it takes, I'll leave you with your memory and the aftertaste'

I wish that he gave me one more kiss before he left that's all I maybe needed, but the memories, I wouldn't been able to take it all of the good all of the bad and even the ones in the middle of good and bad. Also the aftertaste of his sweet kisses was to die for but I would've took them way to hard because I miss him.

There was a knock on the door. I know it couldn't be Shawn because he hates me and I know it can't be my best friend
Y/F/N because she went out of town about 3 days ago. Who could it be?

I walked up to the front door hesitantly. I looked out of the peep hole and there stood Shawn.

I opened the door slowly and tried to hold back the tears that were forcing to fall.

"Hey" Shawn greeted.

"H-hey Shawn" I greeted back looking at the ground wanting to cry.

"Can we talk" he asked.

I nodded and let him in.

We sat on the couch and he looked me in the eyes.

"I listened to your voicemail" Shawn said now looking at the ground.

"I never thought you were gonna listen to it" I said as a year escaped my eye.

"Shawn, why are you here if you left me and you hate me so much" I asked "I know you don't want me anymore I'm just trash and you threw me away and that's what I deserved" I said starting to cry.

"Nooo, I don't think of you like that you are not trash, I wanted to talk to you" he said

"A-About what, Shawn aren't you with s-someone else what h-happened to her, you don't l-love me or you don't c-care about me anymore, and I get you live the girl you're with now. You should've never opened that voicemail or I shouldn't have NEVER made it" I cried.

"Don't you think if I didn't care then I wouldn't open your voicemail and I wouldn't have came here and your voicemail made me realize that I overreacted and that I took it way too serious and I know I shouldn't have done that because now I see how much I hurt you. I still love you Y/N" he said.

"I-I'm sorry" I sobbed "I'm such a screw up I messed up maybe if I haven't kissed Nash then I wouldn't be here crying and sending you voicemails on how much I need you and also how much I really love you" I cried "Wait did you jut say you still love me?"

"I know it's all an accident and Yes I still love you I regret walking out on you and having you hurt like this" he said.

"Well why didn't you believe me in the first place?" I asked

"Because, I overreacted, and I'm really sorry" he said.

I looked at the ground.

He raised my chin up with his thumb.

"Look, I wanna be here for you and I no longer want to hurt you" he said looking me in the eyes.

"But, I fooled you once and you told me twice and I regretted it and then I was all alone" I said.

"I see you got into my song" Shawn smirked.

"Yeah I love it" I said slightly smiled.

"Ohh, come on Y/N where's that beautiful smile of yours" he asked smiling.

I shrugged my shoulders.

Shawn leaned in and pressed his soft lips in mine.

Now that's what I've been looking for those past weeks or however long we've been split apart.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"See there's that beautiful smile, I missed it" he smiled causing me to blush really hard.

He pulled me in for a hug.

"I love you Y/N" Shawn said kissing the top of my head.

"I love you too Shawn" I smiled.

"So does that mean you're taking me back and forgiving me of the naughty thing I done" I asked.

"Yes, I love you too much to try to walk out on you again" he said.

"The pieces that have fallen are stitched together"


Sorry it's sooooo suckish I know the first one was too lol!! But still I kinda like this imagine like the first one and this one.


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