Camping Trip

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This imagine is was requested by Persia0512. I hope you like it.

Persia's P.O.V

Me and Shawn were off of school for our summer vacation, we were only friends, best friends to be exact. We've been best friends since we were 2 years old.

I kinda have feelings for him but, I don't think he feels that way about me.

We finished loading all of the things we need inside of the car, we were at my house since he slept there last night.

"Shawn are you sure you have everything?" I asked "you don't wanna double check to make sure"

"Yeah I'm sure" he said grabbing his guitar

"Okay kids be safe out there, also have fun but not too much if you know what I mean" she said.

"Okay mom we know what you mean" I laughed.

She walked up to us and hugged us both tightly and kissed our forheads. She always claimed Shawn as her second child since he was always around. He was my first friend and he's still the only friend I have, I have no others because the girls at school are always so bitchy to be friends with.

Shawn grabbed his keys to his jeep and we started to walk out the door.

"I love y'all" she said.

"Love you too" Shawn and I both said in unison.

We walked out the door to my driveway where his jeep was parked. We both got in and he started it, I turned on the radio.

"Shawn how long will this take?" I asked.

"Well...for where were going it'll take about 4 hours" he said.

"Are you kidding?" I asked shockingly "that'll take too long, and you know I hate long car rides."

"Do you want me to put you out on the side of the road?" He asked.

"No" I replied.

"Well okay then entertain yourself or do something until we get there" he said.

"Well...I'll sleep" I said reclining my seat back and grabbing my blanket from off of the backseat.

"Good girl, there you go" he laughed.

I loved the way Shawn laughed it was cute and the way he stared at the road driving drove me insane, I really love Shawn.

I was cuddled up in my blanket and all I stared at was Shawn singing along to the music that was playing.

●●●●SKIP DRIVE●●●●

We arrived at the campsite that Shawn had picked out. It was really beautiful, there was a private beach just trough the woods. We were of course the only ones here.

We unloaded all of the things out of the jeep and brought them to spot where we were going to set up all of our things.

We set up the tent and it was already getting dark. The sunn was setting.

"Do you wanna go to the private beach?" Shawn asked me.

I nodded and he led me through the woods and out to the private beach.

He sat me next to him on a log that was somewhat buried in the sand but it was out enough for us to sit on.

"There is something I need to tell you Persia" he said facing me.

"What's that?" I asked with a slight smile.

"I really really like you not in just the friendly way but more than friends, I've always liked you since we were about 12 or 13, you're very sweet, smart and last but not least very beautiful" he said looking at me in the eyes.

I never thought he would've liked me or said any of those things to me.

"I really like you to and I always have...I just never never thought you would've liked me in that way " I smiled.

"Will you be my girlfriend" he asked.

"Of course I will" I smiled.

We both leaned in and our lips touched. It was the best thing I've experienced. I've waited sooo long for this to happen I even imagined it a few times but now my wish came true.

"I love you Shawn" I said resting my forehead on his.

"I love you too baby" he said smiling.

I hope you like the imagine and thanks for requesting with such a good description...I really appreciate it :)

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