I Love You Daddy

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This is the link to the slideshow I made that goes with the imagine.

Me and our daughter Nicole were at the airport waiting for Shawn's flight to be called. We were all having our last little moments with Shawn before he leaves.

"Daddy, why do you have to go for so long?" Nicole asked

"Because baby, its my job, I have to go" Shawn said crouching down to her level and kissing her forehead.

"But Daddy....who will eat muffins with me like we do?" She asked "it wouldnt be as fun"

"Awwe baby, I promise it won't be long, it'll be over before you know it" he said.

"Flight 645 to New York is now boarding" a lady called on the intercom.

"Well, thats my flight" shawn said. His eyes started to tear up.

He walked up to Nicole and picked her up. This will Be the last time he would be able to hug her. Not until 4 months.

"Daddy, please don't go" Nicole cried.

"I'll be back babygirl, I promise" he sobbed.

He kissed her cheek and put her down.

He walked up to me and grabbed my waist. He pulled me in and kissed me harder than he ever did. Maybe being that its the last time he'll be able to kiss me until 4 months.

"I'll miss you baby, I'll face time, call and text you everyday, I promise." He choked out.

All of a sudden I broke down.

"Shawn I dont want you to go" I cried.

"I know baby, I know" he said " but I have a surprise for you when I get back"

I nodded and he gave me and Nicole our last higs and kisees. He started to walk away until Nicole's small voice called out for shawn.

"DADDY" She yelled

"Yes babygirl" he asked

"Daddy...before you go...I just wanted to say that you and me are awesome together. You shine....soooo bright" she smiled slightly.

Who knew those words could come from a 5 year old.

"Aweee baby" he said "I have to go"

She nodded and turned around to walk away. She paused for a moment. Shawn was about to walk away.

"But Daddy......" She called out

"Yes baby" he asked

"Before you go.....I love you" she said hugging him one last time before he could walk off.

Shawn turned around in the distance and waved and smiled.

We waved back and was on our way.

"Mommy...I'll miss daddy" Nicole spoke

"I will too baby..." I said.


"Mommy?" Nicole asked.

"Yes sweetheart" I asked

"Can I sleep with you?" She asked.

"Of course" I replied.

She climbed in bed next to me. She climbed in Shawn's spot and laid her head on the pillow.

"Mmmmm....smells just like daddy" she said.

All I could do was laugh at her.

----- 4 months later -----

Today was the day that Shawn comes home and Nicole wasn't here to see him when he gets home.

She was with Shawn's mom until tomorrow.

All of a sudden something covers my eyes.

I knew it was shawn because I could smell him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my head on his shoulder

"I knew it was you" I said "I could smell you"

"Do you miss me?" He asked

"Yeah, do you miss me?" I asked. Turning around and admiring the face of my beautiful boyfriend.

"Yep I missed you more" he smirked.

"You remember that surprise I told you about?" He asked

"Yeah, what about it" I answered

"Do you want it" he asked smiling and tracing little circles on my hand with his thumb.

I nodded.

He came closer to me until I backed into the wall.

He put his hands on both sides of my head.

"How much do you want it?" He asked smirking and looking at me up and down.

"More than you wanna give it to me daddy" I said biting my lip.

He smirk and kissed my lips. He kissed along my jawline and moved down to my neck.

He started to suck on my neck and moved down to my sweet spot. He sucked on my sweet spot.

I let out a light moan.

"Mmmmm" I moaned.

Me moved back to my lips and tugged softly at my bottom lip.

"Jump" he whispered.

I did as told and he carried me upstairs.

I landed on the bed with a off thud.

He leaned against the headboard and motion for me to come here.

I went to him and straddled him.

"So babe, do you really want the surprise because its rough, its not soft and sweet" he said.

"Yes daddy, I want it" I said.

"Beg for it" he smirked.

"Please daddy....." I begged.

"Your wish is my command" he smirked.

"I Love You Daddy" I said biting my lip


Okay so guys this is not the best....its not even good soooo yeah.......

I never did anything dirty. I mean I could've did more but I don't know how....does anyone want to help me with the dirty imagines??????
Comment if you do because I'll need a dirty imagines writer????? Does anyone wanna help????


SHAWN MENDES IMAGINESOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora