Break Up [Part 2]

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It had been a few weeks since Shawn and I had broken up. I was a complete mess and I was lost without him, I didn't know what to do. I cried myself to sleep every night just thinking of him. I smelled like coffee and regret and I had yesterday's eyeliner and mascara smeared around my eyes but, I didn't give a shit.

I didn't have Shawn, and if I didn't have Shawn then what do I have? That's right nothing. I was in quicksand and I sunk deeper and deeper every single second of the day. I can feel it getting harder to breathe everyday.

Could all of this be all over one boy? It wasn't just any boy. I scolded myself, it was Shawn Peter Raul Mendes the love of my life.

I was wrapped up in a blanket staring at the fireplace since it was too cold to go out and I didn't have any desire to leave my friend, Y/F/N, house anyway.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my friend stood in front of me.

"Go get cleaned up, we're going out" she snapped.

"You know, I don't really feel like it" I said shrugging my shoulders and cuddling more into the soft, comfortable, fleece blanket that Shawn bought me about 4 months ago.

"Did I fucking ask if you felt like it? Because I know for damn sure I don't remember that" I was shocked at her abrasiveness.

"Wow, I'm sorry...I just broke up with my boyfriend and I'm really upset, and I just don't feel like going out"

"You two broke up about 2 weeks ago, life is going on, you need to get over all of this and especially that asshole" she crossed her arms over her chest and waited for me to get up. I was still shocked at how rough she could be when she reached down and yanked me out of then chair I was sitting in. She gave me a sarcastic smile.

"Go. Get. Dressed. Now" she said through gritted teeth. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I didn't have a choice, I'd go out for a few hours, show her how miserable I am then come home, simple.

I was pleasantly surprised, I was wrong about how I thought the day would be, it was fun honestly, most of the things we did today was really fun and I haven't did them in years.

It felt nice to get out of the house, also away from the thoughts of Shawn.

I was standing in line at Starbucks when I heard a familiar laughter I'd never forget. That was the laughter I had heard so many times, it was the laughter that alighted my world. It was Shawn's laughter. My head snapped towards the direction the laughter was coming from and I instantly regretted it.

I saw Shawn with his arm around a girl with long curly, brown, hair down to her waist and her eyes were this mocha brown and her skin reminded me of melted toffee, she was so tan.

I could have sworn I hear my heart shatter into itty bitty pieces all over again. It was like I spent all of these weeks repairing my heart with stickers instead of bandaids and seeing him again just tore apart the shirt repair I had done.

I had been smiling before but, that smile vanished as I turned on my heels and abruptly left Starbucks as I made eye contact with shawn. I ran to my friends house and collapsed on the couch crying my eyes out. I went back to square one, being a complete mess.

How could he just tear me apart like this? How could he tear my world, my feelings apart like that? I had no stability in my life.

My best friend came in moments later.

"Y/N, you knew you were gonna have to face him sooner or later, it'll be best if you just get over it, he isn't worth any of your tears..." she trailed off looking at me sympathetically for the first time today.

"I know" I said wiping tears away with the tips of my fingers. "I'm done, I'm just done crying over him. He's one boy, there will be more. There will be others, you're right. My life doesn't need to stop because of him"

Part 3???
Also go follow me on instagram my user is ashana_rae

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