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This imagine was requested by xx_jennaxx I hope you like it.

Shawn's P.O.V.

I was currently at a diner with my best friend Jenna, we've been friends forever and now that we hangout almost everyday my feelings have more stronger for her over the time.

I just don't think she feels the same way, I really adore Jenna and I think she'll be better than any other girl that would date me, I can tell she would be the girl to care.

I had to tell her but I was afraid that she was gonna turn me down and tell me that she didn't feel the same way about me.

We finished eating the French fries that were left. I payed and we left off to the park.

Jenna's P.O.V

Me and Shawn were hanging out today but only HANGING OUT nothing like a date, I have the feeling that he has feelings for me, I can tell just by the way he looks at me. I just don't feel the same.

We were now in the park sitting side to side on the swings watching all of the kids playing with the other kids.

"Jenna?" Shawn called.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Can I tell you something?" He asked. Here comes the moment of truth, I already knew what he was doing just by the tone in his voice he was going to confess his feelings for me.

"S-sure" I stuttered knowing what he was about to tell me, I was nervous for what he was about to say, I know that he will say something so nice and heartfelt enough to make someone melt. I know how Shawn is a nice, caring, and sweet person he's always been like that.

"Why did you stutter?" He asked, a concerned look on his face.

"No reason, now what did you want to tell me?" I asked looking at the ground at my feet.

"Well...I don't know how to explain this but I'm really really like you and I've waited for so long to tell you this I've always liked you since we were in the 7th grade, I always thought you were so perfect, someone who would care about someone in a relationship. I love the way your eyes sparkle and the way you smile and the way you laugh, I just really wanted to tell you this because I've been waiting for this time and I finally realized that I've been holding it in for too long and it was time for me to tell you" he said looking at me dead in the eyes.

"I-I understand Shawn but...I just don't feel the same way about you" I said getting up and walking off before I reached the side walk I turned around and looked back at him he was looking at the ground. I could tell he was hurt.

I turned back around and walked down the sidewalk. I can't believe I just let Shawn down like that, he looked so hurt he was probably crying by now.

I finally reached my house and I went up to my room and sat there thinking about what I just done and how I let him down.

Shawn's P.O.V

I knew it, I knew she was gonna reject and say that she didn't feel the same. I shouldn't have said anything in the first place, I should've just kept my mouth shut.

There goes my chance of being with her. I've been planning to do this for a very long time and she let's me down.

After she turned around and left a tear slipped out of my eye or maybe a few.

It hurts to have something planned for a long time and then get turned down by the person that you tell. I just felt like she didn't care.

Jenna's P.O.V

I made the decision to call Shawn and apologize for me hurting him earlier. I just want to tell him that I'm sorry.

S- hello...
J-hey, I just wanted to say sorry for what happened earlier, I didn't mean to hurt you and I feel pretty bad.
S- yeah, okay is that all
J - umm no, I just want you to understand that I don't want to be anything more than friends I love the way we are now and I don't want to change that, I'm just really sorry that I hurt you today and I know you were only trying to confess your feelings and I just let you down....I'm just sorry.
S - it's fine and I understand, I should've just left everything alone.
J- no I'm glad you told me because otherwise I wouldn't have known so I'm glad that I know now.
S- yeah I have to go see you later.
J- yeah.

He hung up. He's probably mad and I understand If I was him then I would be mad too. I just wanted to tell him my feelings....

I hope you liked it, sorry if you don't...I tried haha.



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