Chapter 2

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Glad you liked it enough to go to chapter 2 or maybe your like let's see if chapter will be better.

Let's hope so!!!



After few more minutes of walking, I saw where I was very close to what seemed to be a canyon. With a goal to work towards, my feet dashed faster through the snow, it seems that after one good things, another will follow because I passed by a tree that had what look like fruits hanging from it. I stood puzzled for a few minutes, debating whether it is edible or not.

Staring up at the tree, seem to have stimulated a memory, because the name'Snow Apple' came to mind along with a few seconds of visuals of the same wolf that I see each time I try to focus on my memories. "The wolf sat on the ground of a cabin, with a few of the same fruits that were before me, were placed before it. I watched as it ate with delight".

The vision was able to confirm, what I have been distraught about since standing here. The fruits are edible and that caused excitement and glee to finally surfaced on my face. I scampered closer to scale the tree to reach the prize at the top.

My excitement wasn't the only thing that was out of control because my stomach seemed to have figured out that I would be able to eat shortly and decided to let the world know of its presence.

Skillfully leaping from branch to branch, I was able to reach the prize and able taste victory, which was the fruit. The flesh of the fruit seemed to melt in my mouth, the sweet taste spread to all corners of my mouth, as I savour the flavor.

I couldn't control myself, I was picking and eating to appease the hunger that stuck to me like moth around a flame. Following appeasing my hunger, I made certain, that I filled my pocket with as much fruit as I could bring to use as rations to use for a few days.

I don't know, if it is because I now have a full stomach, I understand that I made a poor decision, when I choose to approached this mountain. I am looking for civilization and that is normally built away from mountains. Well I made up my mind just to find shelter here for the night and then tomorrow, I will head down this sloop to continue. It's a good thing that I marked the area that i traveled before to ensure, I don't walk in a loop.

Seeing as food as been taken care of, for now, the next pressing matter is to find somewhere safe to stay for the night. Unknown to me, the snow apples that I have eaten, were pulling all the mana in the surrounding area to my pressure points.

Night quickly approached and I was now desperate to find somewhere relatively safe to spend the night because even though I didn't encounter any other life forms while I was walking doesn't mean that there is none located on this mountain.

I am not sure if it was enlightenment due my fear, but my eyes seem to be able to see much further than usual. At first, I was freaked out by it but due to the feeling of fear, I pushed it to the back of my mind and started searching frantically for a cave in this canyon.

My luck seems to have known my desperation because as soon as I started searching, I stumbled upon a small opening in a rock.

I surveyed my surroundings before making my way to the opening, I sneaked until I reached some distance from the entrance. Upon reaching inside the cave, I noticed that it goes on and on.

Due to the fear of something living further in the cave, I sought out a corner away from the route to continue on-wards into the cave and the direction to the cave.

After reaching a section that I can have my back and sides to the wall, I settled down. I ensured that I memorized the way that I entered the cave. The cave was in darkness but I was able to see everything around me clearly.

I finally got the chance to rest, and I sighed with relief. The fatigue and drowsiness that I have been pushed away during the day finally won. Within seconds, I was huddle in a corner sleeping soundly. The thought of sleeping while being aware of my surroundings flew away.

If I had continue with my idea of sleeping with vigilance, I would have noticed that not long after I fell asleep a few beast stalked into the opening of the cave and made their way into my direction.


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