Chapter 11

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Its my birthday, in a few days, go to the support page!!!

I hope that you can enjoy this chapter.....


As the overlords, we were given the responsibility to protect this realm, we do not include ourselves in the daily dealing of disputes of races, we only step in when the situation will be grim for the beings of this realm. 

Dragons stand at the peak of existence since the beginning but throughout the years, other races have been evolving to stand in a position of strength and influence: such as the King Elemental Wolf, Fairy King Jude of the Light Elfs, Golem Ruler Fred Hundters, Former Fairy King Leonard of the Light witches and Darkness Ruler D'angelo Carset, The Life Snow Supremes and the Warrior Overlord Seras.

These beings have acclaimed strength and power over the centuries and have used it to run an empire or region of their own. Because of the division a peace treaty was approved and signed by all the new nations, the alliance is spread over all of this realm. 

The realm once had one nation that was governed by us the dragons but after the rise of these powerful overlords, division was completed to keep the peace between the other races of the land.

The breaking of the alliance is something that is also handled by us, we ensure that the rules are upheld and not broken by any of the many nations. Even though these powerful people signed the treaty, they still find ways to cheat the rules to fight and harm each other. 

Behind the scenes all the nations are fighting but put up a front for us, the peacekeepers. Because of each independent nation, the younger generation doesn't seem to remember the fact that they were once governed by people greater than their nation kings.

As dragons we know most of the information of the land but to this day we are not able to find the persons in charge of killing our kind. This is one of the reasons that the land of the dragon was covered by a barrier to keep out prying eyes and keep the younger and weaker dragons safe.

 As dragons freedom is something that gives us the most joy but due to the killing of traveling dragons that freedom has been limited, any dragon of the land had the chance to travel the realm for however long they wish. Now because of these obstacles and barrier, the younger generation can only travel the land of dragons.

"The King of our people, Divine Silver Dragon Theodore '' was announced by the guards that were posted at the door of the meeting hall. I followed everyone to stand and bow to our king and my father. 

"Welcome your excellence" boomed around upon the entry of a man that stood at 7 feet, with long flowing silver hair, soul searching lilac eyes, with his robe swaying behind him as he approached, a handsome face.

The aura of a High Arcane Grade being spread out in the room, commanding the respect and fear of everyone. He stood as the only being with that level of power in the room. At a glance anyone could see that many people that resided in this room sported a face almost identical to the one that just entered. 

A bulky body that was compact with muscles to the extreme. A 30 year old looking man sat at the chair that overlooked the room, his eyes scanned over the room, sitting before us was someone that didn't look like the status  he held nor did he look like the oldest being in the room.

A man that was more than a century old, but kept the young and vigor of that of a 30 year old. An elder of our land of dragons and the current King. " You may rise, do we have to do this for each meeting" the man snorted softly but his words seemed to reach everyone that was present in the room. 

Due to his command all dragons moved to their respected position. In a moment the room was quiet waiting for the next order, but before the gentleman sitting on the throne could speak, someone else beat him to it.

" Dad, we have been sitting here waiting for you for an hour. You and mom aren't that young anymore, it shouldn't take that long" my stupid brother Ormarr said causing the people that weren't afraid to patronize the king snickered. Others laughed such as my remaining brothers and uncles and aunts. I, however, tried my best to suppress the grinning that was spreading across my face, but I was doing amazingly awful hiding the grin.


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