Problems Can Be Resolved

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The next morning, Camila rolls in bed and gets startled when she feels a body next to her.

Her eyes open and sees Lauren sitting up against the headboard just staring straight ahead.

"Aren't you suppose to be at work?" Camila mumbles.

Lauren looks down at Camila and shakes her head. "I couldn't. We need to talk," She says.

Camila gets out of bed as she opens her nightstand drawer and takes out the pill bottle, opens it, and drops a pill into her palm. She closes the bottle back up and puts it back in the drawer, closing it. "You have a right to be scared for Grace. She is turning out like you," Camila says.

"Camila," Lauren frowns.

"I want to know why you didn't abort back in high school? Tell me," Camila says.

"Mainly because you didn't let me, neither did your parents and mine when we told them. But also because you were always there for me no matter what. The guy who got Grace pregnant... Left her, completely," Lauren says.

"I could have been there for her damn be the money. My parents would have been there too, yours, we all would have been there for her," Camila says.

"I'm sorry. But the way I found her... I had to end the fear," Lauren says.

"How did you find her?" Camila asks.

Lauren winces as she looks away, taking in a deep shaky breath. "She was going to... Hang herself," Lauren says.

Camila stiffens as all the color from her face drains, also feeling like her blood has stopped flowing.

"She... She was going to..." Camila trails off.

Lauren nods her head as she places a hand over her mouth, muffling the sob.

"She already had the rope around her neck when I walked in," Lauren mumbles.

Camila stares at the floor as it downs on her on what could have become of her daughter.

"I... I suppose I'll rather let her abort than have her trying to... Kill herself," Camila finally speaks.

"You understand me now, do you?" Lauren asks.

Camila stands up and walks around to her wife's side of the bed and kneels in front of her. "I understand," She says.

"I'm sorry," Lauren says.

Camila cups her wife's face as she brings their foreheads together. "I forgive you," She says.

"Thank you, baby," Lauren says.

"You don't need to thank me," Camila says.

Lauren falls on her knees in front of Camila as she hugs her wife. "I love you," She says.

Camila wraps her arms around Lauren, returning her embrace. "I love you too, mi amor," She says. The brunette stands up with Lauren in her arms as she pulls away. "I'm going to talk to Grace," Camila says. She opens the bedroom door, walks down the hallway, and knocks on Grace's bedroom door.

"Who is it?" Grace calls from inside.

"It's me, Grace, open the door," Camila says.

She waits for a few seconds before the door opens revealing Grace.

"What?" Grace asks.

"Can I talk to you?" Camila says.

"Do I have a choice?" Grace raises an eyebrow, the same way Lauren does.

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