Taken To Court

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Hey guys! So there will be only two more chapters after this one. I believe that this is a good way to end the book. I hope you guys enjoy the next chapters!


2 days later...

Camila finishes fixing her blouse and grabs her blazer on the way out of the closet.

Lauren finishes putting on her black heels as she stands up when she sees her wife. "Hey, how are you doing?" She asks.

"Cool and composed. We have to walk in there confident or no one will take us seriously," Camila says.

"Agree," Lauren nods.

"Are the kids ready?" Camila asks.

"They should be," Lauren says.

"I'll check on them," Camila says. She leaves their bedroom and knocks first on Sofia's door and opens it. "Sof, are you ready?" Camila asks.

"Yeah," Sofia does a twirl.

"You look gorgeous," Camila smiles.

"Thank you, just like you," Sofia returns her smile.

"We both came from the same parents," Camila says.

She wraps an arm around Sofia's shoulders and leads her over to her bed as they take a seat.

"How are you holding up?" Camila asks.

"I guess better than I should be considering my sister killed a man and Taylor because she loves you more than just a mother," Sofia says.

"Sorry, you had to find out like this," Camila frowns.

"It's okay. This is something hard to explain to your younger sister and the twins who don't even still know what's going on," Sofia says.

"Yeah..." Camila frowns.

There's a soft knock on the bedroom door and they both look up as Lauren enters the room.

"We should get going. We don't want to be tardy," Lauren says.

"Did you check on the twins?" Camila asks.

"Yeah, they are still confused about all of this but, they are ready to go," Lauren says.

"Alright, let's go then," Camila says, standing up.

At the courthouse, the Cabello-Jauregui family sit down in their assigned seats, the twins in between their grandparents and Sofia to the right of Camila.

Everyone else in the courthouse takes a seat as there is a commotion at the entrance.

Two police officers lead Grace inside and toward her table and right after, the four McBrewer Law Firm lawyers enter.

They all take a seat where Grace is seated, surrounding her like a shield as everyone waits for the judge to enter.

Camila grabs Lauren's hand, interlacing their fingers as she squeezes her hand softly.

"It's going to be okay," Camila says.

"I won't believe it until the judge declares Grace as mentally ill and sends her into a mental hospital instead of prison," Lauren says.

The judge finally enters the courtroom and takes a seat as he slams the gavel.

"All rise," The judge says.

Everyone in the courtroom rises to their feet as the judge clears his throat.

"We are gathered here in this courtroom to either declare Grace Cabello Jauregui as mentally ill or as a murderer. If declared mentally ill, she will go to a mental hospital. If declared as a murderer, she will go to prison," The judge says.

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