Chapter 31

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Ealize's Pov

I opened the door and saw Chelsea outside. I was taken aback for a moment but immediately adjusted my emotions. 

"What wrong Chelsea? Do you need something?" Chelsea hesitated as if deliberating if she should tell me or not. I honestly don't want to stand for too long in front of the door and it seems like its gonna take a long time for her to decide, so i just pulled her inside the room and drag her to the bed to sit. 

"What's wrong?" I ask worriedly, Chelsea is one of my first friend when I arrived in this world so I do feel quite concerned for her. 

There was silence after that question, but i let her take her time. It seems like the thing she's here for would be a big deal since she's taking such a long time deliberating whether to tell me or not.

Around 3 minutes or so, she finally spoke. 

Thank God right? I thought we would wait forever...

I did not pay any mind to my brain and just focused my attention to Chelsea.

"I...need your help Ealize..."  she paused and i encourage her to go on

"its like this, You know Xyrin's boyfriend? Enziel? The one we talked about in the gc?" she started


"He's planning to transfer packs..." The information did not immediately sink in...

I have the feeling this is connected to Alyannah... I mean something is bound to happen for the plot to move right? This is a novel after all.

"Is it the Ignis pack?" I ask almost grimacing, Chelsea nodded to answer.

For heavens sake...

"Xyrin is not talking, nor eating, i don't know what to do! Enziel is her mate and they've been together for years!!! and now he wants to break up like all those times they were together was for nothing!!!!" At this point Chelsea was already frustrated and angry.

"He won't even talk to her anymore!!! Its like...its like he's a different person, Ealize we've been friends ever since we had diapers on, but now he just feels...he just feels so foreign" I listened but did not know what to do...Chelsea was already sobbing at this point

"what can i do chels? is there something I can do?" I knew Chelsea came here for a reason, maybe something I can help with. 

"P...please talk to the Alpha, Ealize, do..dont let Enziel transfer, please..just...just until we can figure out something!! I mean anything! The reason why he want to transfer, maybe...maybe we can still do...we can still think...think of a way...please..." It broke my heart hearing Chelsea's broken please


"Ealize...i know...i know its a lot to ask but please..." Chelsea was looking everywhere but at me

"Chelsea listen to me" I shook Chelsea's shoulders hoping to sober her a little bit. Chelsea finally looked at me and this time i made sure she kept her eye contact on me.

"I need you to take a deep breath, you need to calm down" I asked making my voice as gentle as possible

Thank God Ealize's voice is nice...

Chelsea took deep breath just like I instructed her to...

"Have you calm down a little bit?" Chelsea nodded it seems like she was quite aware that emotions took over her

"Chels, I will see what I can do with regards to Enziel's matter, it's not a lot to ask, however, I cannot promise you that Zach would follow my request, after all the pack has its own rules, and i don't know if we are violating anything with this request..."

I saw Chelsea's eyes dimmed a bit 

"But...i will try my best to persuade him...When does Enziel plan to transfer?"

"H..he didn't say... But i feel like he would transfer soon"

"okay,  I understand. I'll talk to Zach now,  what I need you to do is to go back and take care of Xyrin.  We can solve this together, also... Meet me here at 2 in the afternoon, i want to see Enziel"

I need to inform Zach about this and also...


i need to confirm if i can truly see the chains in his neck

If Alyannah truly did replace his soul, you would be able to see it...

It would be better if Zach is with me when i meet Enziel,  i don't want any accidents to happen

I agree...

I sent Chelsea out and prepared myself to go.  I change into a casual denim pants and oversized white t shirt. 

I headed on the first floor and just in time to meet Aunt Matilda. 

"Aunt do you know where Zach is? " i called Aunt Matilda's attention.

"Alpha is in the company dear, what's wrong? do you need anything? "

"i need to talk to him about something, can i call him?"

"Why of course! He won't mind" I was about to take my phone to call when i remembered that I don't have his number...

Can I just say that you really didn't care at all didn't you!?

Could it be that if it weren't for this situation you wouldn't have his number??  At all?!

Shut up!

we usually don't communicate through our phones so it's not that unusual.

"I forgot to ask for his number,  can Aunt give it to me?"

Aunt Matilda immediately took her phone from her pocket

"Yes, yes, here,  you can contact this" she said while showing me the number on her phone

I punched the number and dialed. A few rings passed before it was answered by the other side. 

"Hello?" it was Zach's voice but cold

"Zach? it's me Ealize"  there was a few seconds of silence before he replied

"what's wrong?" he asked

"i need to talk to you about something, it's not convenient on the phone, can I come see you?" I heard some people talking on the background it seems like he was in the middle of something

"are you busy?  Is it inconvenient?" I ask again,  i did not want to disturb but at the same time i knew that Enziel's matter can not be delayed.

"No,  it's alright, you can come,  I'll inform Ferz to drive you here,  just wait in the house"

"okay" I immediately said goodbye as to not disturb him any further.

A few moments later, Ferz arrived and i sat on the car thinking of how to explain to Zach what I wanted to say. 

Should I just tell him to do me a favor and not let Enziel transfer?

Would that be alright?

Or is it against human rights?

Werewolf rights?

Soon,  i could not think any further so i just decided to say what I want to say. It's not like I need to prepare a proposal to my boss....

Let's hope so...

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