You're A Psycho

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I went back to my room with tears in my eyes. I should've escaped and just left Jon with a note. Ugh, so stupid of me! He's gone crazy nuts! A psycho!

Now he's planning to kill Felix when I escape. Gosh. This is so inhuman. How many times he hurt Felix with his 'military' goons?

How many times will he hurt my feelings?

He is so inconsiderable.

I hate him, so much.

I just lay at my bed, thinking of various plans to escape. I looked outside using my only window beside my bed and I spotted Jon's friends outside, patrolling.

I need to call Felix right away.

I dialed his number so many times but he won't respond. Oh come on, at a time like this? Hurry up!

I heard footsteps nearing my room. Gosh, I just sent a message to Felix saying,


After the message was sent, I immediately deleted it at the sent items. Jon stormed in the room.

"Calling for help, eh? Well not anymore!" Jon angrily said and snatched my phone in my hands. He tossed it at the floor making it not usable. Glass shards all over the place. I curled myself in my bed as Jon approaches.

Jon sat down at my bed. I glared at him. He just smirked. He came close and try to reach out his hand to my face. He squeezed my face with his hand and forced my face closer to his face. "Don't worry cupcake I won't do anything to you.. As long as you obey me." He whispered and gave me an evil grin. My heart skipped a beat. I am so tensed my mind is so shattered. He released his grip afterwards.

What will he do?

Don't try to violate me.

Oh no.

Who knows what he'll going to do in the future.

"You're crazy!" I shouted at him. He just looked at me still with his evil grin. He began rummaging my stuff. Taking my laptop and iPad away.

"Hey, that's not yours!" I sternly said, he ignored.

"Don't forget cupcake, you're still mine."

"I don't belong to anyone anymore!"

"Says the girl who tries to be Felix's girlfriend. How ironic is that?" He mocked.

"You're out of your mind."

"I'm not. I'm just reminding you that I own you."

"Well let me remind you that you don't own my fcking life."

"Hm. Let's see." He whispered and he went out. Holy hell, what just happened?


I just spent my whole day crying myself to sleep at my bed. Oh, come on! Just... why is this happening to me? Damn feelings, why did you come back? If my feelings for Felix never came back we would have had a harmonious relationship... but that thought will remain as a thought. Especially Jon had gone psycho and I will never see him the same as before.

It's 10 o' clock in the evening. Jon sent me lunch and dinner but I refused to eat them. Maybe he put poison on my food or a love potion or something.

Or maybe I'm just paranoid?

I ate my some of my 'emergency precious snacks' I stock in my room in case of hunger in the middle of the night. With that I would never go down and ransack the fridge repeatedly.

I just stare at the ceiling when I can't sleep. Thinking of the vast universe and how it was actually made.

Don't judge me, I'm in deep thoughts here.

Eh? I just felt the urge to look at the window. But why? Ugh, such a chore.

I stood up and glanced at the window. I saw a familiar figure outside.

Felix. Kjellberg.

As I saw him, he's already staring at my window. His face lighten when he saw me. He's signaling something that I can't understand of. Ugh, this hard headed person, good thing the military guards are not around.

I began to shake my head violently as a sign of 'no, eject every plan you have 'cause I'm doomed anyways.'

He tilted his head, confused of what I'm doing.

I began to wave my hands, making the 'no' gesture along with my head. He understood it. But I think he's not going to give up easily.

I made a pose where I beg him to stay away from the house as completely as possible. Along with the puppy eyes and my pouted lips. He finally sighed and gave up his plans. Before he leaves, he told me to 'wait' in a hand gesture.


Hi guys! To compensate with the days I wasted, I will just continue updating the story everyday when I'm still inspired. It just takes 30 minutes-3 hours when I write a chapter. So yeah, I hope I could update again fast as soon as I publish this chapter. AND ITS FRICKING SUMMER IN MY COUNTRY AND I HAVE LOTS OF TIME TO UPDATE THIS.

By the way, in high school, can you give me subjects that you take in your class hours? I really need this info for my other fic. Thank you if you helped! :3

And another thing, the story will not end soon. I don't have the exact date when will this finish because my schedule for updating is so wrecked. Huehue thanks for sticking by until now. :)

Stay fabulous, stay awesome, and stay extraordinary Prismatics! :D

-Kuuinimei <3 <3

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