Sweden or Jellybeans?

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I will.

I nodded at Felix.

"You sure?"

"Yes, I am. I also feel uneasy whenever he's around. He changed a lot." I said. "He got the stalker vibes recently and I don't know why." I added, which is really true.

"Animals by Maroon 5 might be a good soundtrack for him." I chuckled at what he said. "No, I mean, seriously. That song is about stalking, right?" He added.

"What a surprise that I got you convinced so fast but for a second you said that nothing will change your mind. What's gotten into you?" He asked, puzzled.

"If this decision is for the good of all, I'll do it. I still love Jon... I just can't understand him anymore. He changed. He is so overprotective." I gently explained.

I pause for a while, thinking of something.


"Felix, did you know Jon's 'new friends'?" I asked Felix.

"Uh.. No. I've never heard them or seen of them." He replied. "What's their involvement to this?"

"You know..." I started off.

"They're from the military and they have a huge muscular body and.."

"They have a British accent."

As I said the last phrase, silence envelops the air. Not long, Felix's eyes bulged.

"F-k that s-t! F-king hell! Those p-sies! A-holes!" He shouted.

Aaandd.... He continues to shout all kinds of profanities that exist in this world. I tried to stop him but I can't. The nurses quickly rushed to his room to see what's going on.

Well I said he became angry after I said something and they're trying to calm him down by a tranquilizer, the other nurses held his arms, legs and head so that it will be injected in the right place and finally...

He calmed down.

I sat down to relax, it's over at last.

I would not to see that kind of rage of Felix again.

A nurse approached me. "He's okay. It seems like he got a mental breakdown earlier. He'll be back in his senses soon."

"Thanks a lot Ms."

She just smiled and left the room with the other nurses.

I stood up and check his condition.


"So... are you alright?" I asked.

No response.

"Well, care to say anything?"

No response.

He's just staring the ceiling, calm.

I sighed. I can't do anything.


"We are free!" I screamed as we step out of the hospital.

"Ha, fresh air!" Felix said as he stretch his arms.

"I know right? I was freezing at that room for weeks! We can finally travel around the wo-"

"Woah, woah calm down your tits lady. You didn't even start your plan." Felix said.

Oh. I forgot.


"YOLO? Ew you suck." He mocked.

"You know, YOLO... You Only Live Once and I'll do this once.."

"That's so f-king old. Can't you just move on?"

"Okay, okay. I'll think of a new one."



"Uhh... Okay? That's too obvious." He commented.

"How about you think of a name huh?" I intimidate him.

"Operation: Jellybeans?"


"That's more random and I like it!"

"Let the Operation: Jellybeans begin!" We said in unison.

(The screenshot is a dialouge of the cat (idk the name) from ManlyBadassHero's walkthough of Alice Mare, an RPG Maker game. It's good check it out.)

I don't know where the Jellybeans came from.

I might be hungry again.

I don't even why the title of this chapter is like that! It is so damn weird. Two chapters was wasted inside the hospital, well great.

Hey, hey, hey, if I make an original book (I mean with a real plot and real characters), will you read it? It's horror too. It doesn't fall to the gore section.. Maybe? I don't have any plot yet BUT I WANT TO MAKE ONEEEEEEEEEEE. I'd be happy to make one if you guys will support me like you do here.

Past few days, I can't update because full of schoolworks and last Friday I got a high fever. Good thing it only stayed for one day. So guess when will the next update comes? AFTER A CENTURY MWAHAHA. I'm joking. I'll try to update at Valentines.

Also, I'm giving Felix his true attitude. In my fanfic, he doesn't swear a lot. He seems more like a gentleman lol. I'll try to add swearing later on. :3

I'm scared if I don't update quickly you'll not read this anymore. Maybe some of you lost track of the story already. :(

Advance Happy Valentines to all! I don't have a date and I love it (only my imagination hue).

Stay fabulous, stay awesome, and stay extraordinary Prismatics! :D

-Kuuinimei <3 <3

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