Anything Can Happen

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The fact that Jon's main channel "Paint" grew so fast that he already has 24 million subs. He also frequently posts on his channel "paintchips" which already has 10 million subs.

Mine has already 36 million. Felix is on the 55 million mark. He is already too exposed almost everyone knows him. Almost.

"The VidCon's starting on June 15. What performance shall we perform?" Jon asked. "I don't know, maybe our new medley?" I suggested. "I was thinking of something big like make a song about our fans or something." He said. "That's a great idea!" I happily said. "But... You can make a song in 14 days?" I asked. "Of course I can! I'm a musical genius!" He proudly boasted with his hands up high.


"It's finished!" Jon finally shouted out of tiredness. We've like stayed for four nights for this video. It's a medley about Jon's fans, but Jon decided to add my fanbase too. "Hey Jon, how do you call your fanbase?" I asked him.

"Cozartists maybe?" He said. "Sounds cool!" I agreed.

"-insert your fan's call name here- and Cozartists for the win!" I shouted.

I'm so happy.

We practiced for the VidCon 5 times a day until the VidCon arrives. Making sure that everything's perfect.


"I get so excited every year!" I cheerfully said. I can't wait to perform! "Me too. I get nervous though." Jon said. It's obvious that he is nervous, but excited.

Will "he" be there? He didn't attend VidCon last year and last two years. What's wrong? He still makes videos everyday.

Or he just not want to attend VidCon after the incident.


The whole crowd applauded us. We bowed down. Some fans shout, "(Y/N) and Jon is <3!", "-ship name of you and Jon-", "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!", etc.

We're so gleeful right now.

We went backstage. I can't help to jump because of joy. "This is so fun!" Jon shouted. "Yes! I wish we would perform again next year!" I replied. We went back to our seats after.


It's time for the meet and greet. This is the most exciting part of the VidCon.

We've met various fans! From quiet to loud, from short to tall! From skinny to fat, and so much more! It's nice to see that almost all types of people like us.

"I'm freaking tired, let's go home." I commanded Jon. Okay if you say so." He nicely responded.

"Stay here, I'll go call a taxi okay?" I nod. Jon heads north to get one.

A time where I can be finally alo-

Someone grabbed my arm! CAN YOU PLEASE JUST LET ME REST? UGH.

The person wrapped his hand on my mouth and also dragged me to them closer.. I struggled but this person's too strong.

The person released me from his grip, I confronted the person. Oh my...




Mah first cliffhanger for my new book! Ermehgerd. Thanks for giving me ideas for this story. I'll just pick some that will fit to their situation. I'm sorry if your idea doesn't pop up into this story in the future! But hey, at least you somehow contributed right?

By the way, this story has too many timeleaps. I'm so sorry for that.

The picture that I posted with this chapter is Jonathan Cozart. Yes, the boy and the girl. That is Jonathan Cozart. Now you know his face. If you want to know where that screenshot came from, search "Keith and Heath" on YouTube. It's a story of a two puppets. I hope you'll like it after watching! :3

I'm looking forward to this story, I hope you do too.

Don't forget to vote and comment! :)

Stay fabulous,

Stay awesome,

And stay extraordinary Prismatics! :D

-Kuuinimei <3 <3

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