Felix is Back

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"So.. What happened?"

"Stuff that made many women traumatized any day."


"No, not THAT harsh."

"He.. Uhh.. M-mo..."


Felix clenched his fists. He can only help staring at me while I'm shaking and tucked in a corner of the bedroom. I heard him sigh.

"So (Y/N), I'm gonna leave you for a while. You should rest after all the horrible things you experienced this morning. Good night."

"Good night." I said before Felix leaves the room.

So he let me sleep at his room. It's so comfy here, like my bed. I wonder where would Jake sleep? I yawned. I am really tired.

Felix's POV

"Yo Jake!" I called. (A/N: they already exchanged introductions to one another, I won't be writing that part sorry)


"Will you tell me about what happened earlier?"


"All I know was that Jon was about to violate her earlier. I dunno what happened before I came."

"Oh." That's all that I can say.

"Pretty harsh boyfie, eh?" He said while playing Flappy Bird on his phone.

I noticed his phone. "Why you didn't let her use your phone to call me while you're in her room?" I wondered.

"I don't have any load or any access to their wifi." He said while still concentrating on playing Flappy Bird. Goddamn, why didn't delete that cursed game already? (A/N: I ADMIT THAT I HAVEN'T DELETE FLAPPY BIRD ON MY IPAD, DONT JUDGE ME)

I just sighed and opened the television. I sat beside him and watched random TV shows. I like Cartoon Network a lot.



Your POV

I woke up early in the morning again. Seems my body clock automatically adjusted itself to wake me up early in the morning.

I went downstairs and saw Felix cooking something...

Smells good.

"Oh, good morning (Y/N)!" Jake greeted me as he noticed me going downstairs.

I just waved and smiled at him.

"You know what, me and Felix made chocolate chip cookies!" He happily announced.

"Huh? Felix bakes? Whaaaa-"

Felix just laughed and poured the new batch of cookies at a new bowl and placed the bowl on the table.

"Because pancakes are so fking mainstream, we made cookies!"

"Good thing you didn't made pancakes.." I mumbled.

"Did you say something?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"I'LL COOK SOME BACON!" He shouted.

I won't eat any kind of pancake except one..


"Bacon pancakes bruh!" I suggested.

"Hey, I don't want pancakes anymore." Felix said.

"BUT I WANT YOUR BACON PANCAAAAAKES." I said with a sad tone.

He groaned. "Fine."

"Sing bacon pancakes first." Jake said while giggling. Looks like Felix agrees.

I laughed so hard.

"Well sing with me!" They nod.


"Bacon pancakes! Making bacon pancakes! Bacon pancakes! Making bacon pancakes!" We sang in chorus.

This day though, brings back many memories.


We relaxed by playing Speedrunners. Jake, Felix, and I. Felix brought two extra laptops. I played on my extra laptop while Jake played on Felix's extra laptop.

Felix is always the underdog, which is so ironic. Compare him to his previous Speedrunner videos. He's so wimpy right now.

Next, we played Battleblock Theater, which is my favorite. The three of attempted to betray each other which is super fun.

Then, we played Prop Hunt with Mark and Ken. Felix contacted them and Mark decided that he will post a video of this on his channel.

After 1 hour, we bid goodbye to the two and head to Gamejolt in search for good indie games.

This day is so gleeful.

I wish this would last forever.

We stopped playing for a while and ate lunch. Took a bath, and played again until dinner.

After dinner, guess what?



It already 11 PM. We really need to sleep.

Jake is already sleeping.

Felix is still browsing his Twitter feed.

And me, I'm staring at the ceiling of the room.

Today was so sugoi.

Senpai came back.

I love my life right now compared before.

But I have a hunch, something big is going to happen soon.

What is it? Ugh, anyway I need to sleep.

Good night, (Y/N).



I love cookies

Please give me one


I'm gonna finish this soon. So expect a MAJOR plot twist in the end.

What's your predictions? This series will finally end soon.

Well, I hope to see you guys on my new ongoing fanfictions when After Ever After is finished which is Unbelievable and Give Me Seven Days. They're both PewDiePie x reader. I just love x readers, heh.

Senpi pls notic mi

Stay fabulous, stay awesome and stay extraordinary Prismatics! :D

-Kuuinimei <3 <3

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