Relieved But Traumatized

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We stayed there for a while. Good thing I'm friends with the manager of the store (A/N: WHAT A COINCIDENCE).

"Don't worry. If they came in here and made trouble, I'll make sure they'll pay for it. You're safe here for a while."

I just smiled faintly and thank him. It's like a knife was removed from my body. But not completely, I can't ensure that I will be totally safe here especially with Jon's friends.

I got no phone with me, so I borrowed my friend's cellphone to call Felix.

Pick it up, Felix. Pick it up....

"Hello?" He answered the call.

"Felix! Goodness gracious, you answered!"

"Are you like, okay? I'm coming for you."

"Meet me at the convenience store near the house. You know that right?"

"Yeah, I always pass by it. But hey, how did you escape?"

"Long story, just please get me off of this wretched town. My mind won't stop being anxious so please.."

"I'm near. Just hold on a bit. Bye for a while!"

"Felix, wai-"

He dropped the call. That's so rude of him! Even though I made it out, I still can't shrug the thought that Jon can find me here is instant.

By the way, where's Jake?

Jake stormed in the store. He looks worried.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Jon! Jon! With muscular people! Incoming!" He warned as he grab my clothes.

Oh craaaaap.

I rushed under the table of the cashier with Jake hand in hand. The cashier was shocked.

"Shh... Don't give away my position. Please, my life is in danger."

She gulped and nodded. She took a deep breath and continued her business like she saw nothing.

The manager saw this and let me hide here for a while.

Try to act cool... Try to act cool...

The door's bells chimed. Somebody entered the store.

I heard footsteps approaching.

Aand.. It stopped.

"Uhm, excuse me. Have you seen (Y/N)?" Jon asked. We're pretty well-known here. I just looked at the cashier's face. She shaked her head. Jake's shaking.

"W-would you like to buy something?" She stuttered. Ohh myyy gowawrshh.

"Oh, sorry. Just stopping by." He said to the lady.

The sound of his footsteps goes weaker and weaker until it diminishes.

Wow, he has some noisy shoes.

"It's safe to go out now, miss." The cashier said.

"You sure?"


We left out of our hiding spot. It's so hot and suffocating down there.

"Is it him alone or..?" I asked the manager while I brush off the dust in my sleeves.

"With some men." He responded. "How about you two relax and eat while waiting for your friend?" He added. He handed us some snacks and drinks.

I thanked him and grabbed the food he was holding. I gave some to Jake.

I stared at him as he eats his food. I just noticed he's kind of Asian looking boy.

Black hair, dark brown eyes, fair skin, and not much of a pointy nose. His height is also average as I noticed for a kid like him.

Look at him and he looks like he's gonna kill you. His pupils are not that huge like an anime character. More like a pupil of a cat.

He really needs to use contact lens.

He's chubby also. You can clearly see it from his cheeks.

His hairstyle's similar to Anthony Padilla's.

Jake noticed me staring and stopped eating.

"Hm? What's wrong?" He curiously asked.

I winced.


He raised an eyebrow on me.

"Your face is all red!"

Huh? That's why I feel a hot sensation...

"I-I'm not embarrassed!"

He laughed and started eating again.

Oh this day..


A car stopped right in front of the store. It's Felix's!

"He came!" I happily shouted and rushed outside. Jake followed.

The car's windows rolled down, revealing Felix. He look so stressed.

"Get in the car, now." He commanded. We immediately followed. Who knows who could be here outside.
He rolled up the windows and started to drive fast.

"Why hurry?" Jake asked.

"Jon is fking outside, along with his friends. We better hurry. Good thing the window's tint is dark. I hope they didn't recognize me.

I looked at my side mirror while you're hopping in. They glared at us.

"B-but, where are we going!?" I anxiously asked.

He's driving like a drunkard.

"Somewhere out of Austin! I'm planning to get back to UK as soon as we are all relaxed. What actually happened?"

"Ugh. Not now please. You might lose your focus and rage."

I glanced at Jake. He's so surprised about the events happening his face has no emotions.

I'm relieved that I am in Felix's presence again. I always feel safe and relaxed.

"When we reach home, we're going to play Bloodborne and rage quit all day!" Felix happily announced.

I miss playing video games, with the Great PewDiePie.

Hi guys the attached collage there is Jon's facial expressions on After Ever After 2 that inspired me to make this story where Jon goes crazy. I didn't actually plan to make a sequel until I watched After Ever After 2. He really looks like a psycho, am I right? COMMENT YES IF YOU AGREEEEEE! XD

I don't even know if this is a happy chapter lol. At least I updated. Hueheuheuheueheueheueheueh.

Happy Easter guys! :))

Stay fabulous, stay awesome, and stay extraordinary Prismatics! :D

-Kuuinimei <3 <3

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