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Who was that? In the morning
"I'll get it." Felix suddenly said. WHEN HE WAS AWAKE? "Just stay here."
I heard some chatter.. A boy to boy conversation. I heard Felix's voice and a familiar voice.
Is it... No. That's not him. It's impossible.
"Hey (Y/N)... Jon came." Felix said. "He was looking for you. I said that you were here." He added. "I can't say anything..."
"What was his reaction?" I shouted at him. "Nothing. Emotionless. Right after I said that, he left."
"He's also like that to me last time. I don't know what to do."
"I can stay away if you want.."
No, I won't accept that. Never. I did that once, I regretted it.
I actually missed him. I'm afraid to go home now.
"Felix, I'm afraid that I need to go. I'm so sorry. Just call me if you need help, 'kay? I already gave you my new number." I nicely said.
"Thanks a lot for your help. I highly appreciated it." He happily said. Then I went off.

I'm about to arrive hell soon.

"Jon!" I called out. The house seems empty. Where is he?
I also tried calling him, he's not answering the phone. I wonder why. For a moment he visited Felix to find me, and poof! He's gone. He really acting weird lately.

I try to find the spare key under the rug, it's not there. The pot maybe?

I was about to give up. I just want some rest.
"(Y/N), what are you doing?" A boy said. "Jon! Oh my gosh, where have you been!?" I worringly said.

"Where have you been?" Jon said, I can't lie to Jon...
"I.. Have been to Felix's house. He's not fine last night." I admitted.
"I hope nothing happened." Then Jon proceeds to open the door.

What. Wait, WHAT?
I wasn't quite surprised that Jon said that. He'll really get jealous about it. He's my boyfriend after all.

This is totally awkward. We don't chat with each other or anything. Jon is busy for his new video, without me. At least he decided to do videos without me appearing, AGAIN. But somehow it wants to make me go nuts. A part of my brain wants to join the video but I really don't want to. How about I'll just give myself a random sentence to keep sanity high?

Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows.

Hi gaiz! I'm late again geez. I'm so sorry. I feel lazy to type. It's actually a miracle that I've made myself to type this thing right now. Even though I already have the story prepared, I don't put all in the draft. I write it on a piece of paper. It makes me lazy to type all down. So okay, Happy Halloween? I AM SO LATE HAHAHA.

This is a short chapter. What the fudge? I blame myself. Probably I'm going to update again after 1234567890 years. ;_;

Stay fabulous,

Stay awesome,

And stay extraordinary Prismatics! :D
-Kuuinimei <3 <3

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