★bonus 1 - meeting★

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abi entered the kitchen of her shared apartment with austin, tossing her bag onto the bench so she could grab a water bottle from the fridge.

"where are you going?" austin questioned, looking up from his breakfast, eyeing her outfit.

"i have a chemistry read with the guy who they cast to play the boyfriend of the character i'm going for now." she explained, placing her bottle into her bag.

"ooh a chemistry read." austin grinned, making kissy faces at her. "be careful you might end up falling in love with him."

"not likely. plus after jack i swore i'd never fall for another actor again, remember?" she said.

"i remember." he nodded. "do you need dropping off somewhere?"

"that would be great. it's just at the studio where we did auditions." she replied, shooting him a thankful smile.

"when do you need to leave?" he asked.

"uhh..." she glanced at the time on her phone. "pretty much now."

"fuck, okay." austin jumped up, shoving the last of his toast into his mouth.

"let me get my keys." he said, his voice muffled by the mouth full of food. abi rolled her eyes at how gross he was. how did he ever expect to convince some poor girl to date him if he was gonna talk with his mouth stuffed full of food?

"ready?" he questioned, re-entering the room and grabbing her bag for her. she nodded.

"yep, let's go."


abi pushed open the door to the building, smiling when she spotted jonas pate stood waiting for her.

"abigail, so lovely to see you again." jonas greeted, patting her on the shoulder.

"hi jonas, how are you?" she grinned.

"oh i'm great. so a bit of good news for you, there's only one other person going up for this role now, so we're gonna see the both of you today and make a decision by this afternoon. so after your chemistry read we'll get you to stick around if that's okay?" he questioned. abi nodded.

"yeah of course." she agreed. jonas grinned.

"great! well let's head in and i'll introduce you to drew, and we'll get started." he said.

he led her into a small room, finding josh sat at a table and a tall boy leaning against the wall. at the sound of the door opening, the boy looked over, his bright blue eyes landing on abi, a smile appearing on his face, and abi knew in that moment that she was fucked.

"drew, this is abigail, she's the first of the two people going for the role today. abigail, this is drew, he's playing rafe." jonas introduced.

"hey." drew greeted. "nice to meet you."

"you too." abi smiled.

"okay you guys ready to get started?" josh questioned as jonas joined him at the table. both abi and drew nodded.

"great. from the top of page thirteen then."

and with a glance down to check the first line, abi and drew began their chemistry read.


messages between a bee and texas

a bee
forget everything i've
ever said in my entire life

a bee
i think i just met
the love of my life

dna // drew starkeyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ