Chapter 2

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Sabine jumped from rooftop to rooftop following the new mandalorean until he made a turn into an alleyway. She dropped down and saw he was walking up to a makeshift camp in a crossroads of alleyways. She heard him sigh and say, "home sweet home." The man bent his head down to take off his helmet and lifted his head back up.

Sabine silently gasped as she saw luscious blue Locks of hair spill out of his helmet. His skin tone was a shade paler than Sabines. It probably was supposed to be another shade darker but he must have spent a lot of time in that suit. She walked up behind him and leaned against a wall with her arms crossed. She cleared her throat.

"Yay I'll be their, Sabine" he said layering a lot of stress on her name.

Sabine stoped leaning and stood their stock still and pale not knowing what to say eventually she came up with a sad excuse of a sentence, "how do you know my name?" She asked nervously.

"You really think that your name is small." He said with an eyebrow raised.

She took off her helmet which made The mando have a miniature panic attack about a stupidly hot girl voluntarily talking to him. Sabine thought for a few seconds choosing her words carefully. "You know my name but what's yours?" She asked intriguingly.

He put out his hand "names Ezra"

"Ezra...." she said hinting for a last name.

"Ezra" he said with a reassuring smile so she just dropped it.

"Well Ezra what do you do around here?" She asked

"Oh, you know the usual, killing stormtroopers for a bit of practice." He said slightly smiling.

"Hmm" she said taking in what he said. "We could use somebody like you with your skills." She said hoping he would refuse.

Ezra raised an eyebrow "we met each other less than a minute ago."

"You're right but my crew said you could be useful." After a slight pause she muttered not knowing he could hear her. "I don't see how a traitor could be useful."

Ezra stood their staring into her eyes and if she wasn't so mad maybe she would have seen the pain in his eyes.

"Let me get my stuff" he said in a slightly hostile tone all calmness and niceness gone. He started rummaging through his belongings.

All of it was boring but she did find it interesting how he packed more explosives than clothes. "Ready" she asked smiling brightly at him.

Ezra put his jet pack on. "Ready as I'll ever be" he said.

"Off we go then" she said walking out of the alleyway putting her helmet on. Ezra followed behind her quickly pulling his helmet on as well. The rest of the walk was a very uncomfortable silence. Sabine brightened when she saw the ghost being loaded by supplies from Ezra's little skirmish.

Kanen noticed them and walked up quickly but cautiously.

"It is nice to meet you," Ezra said pulling his helmet off when they got to Kanen. There was something familiar about him Kanen thought but he couldn't place it.

"Same" Kanen said shaking the boys hand.

"Who's this" Zeb asked shaking the boys hand and that alone made him know they would be great friends.

"Ezra" Sabine said smiling.

Kanen's eyes widened "Ezra the no name" he said slightly impressed.

"Who" Sabine asked.

Kanen gestured towards Ezra, "he's the most wanted person on the empire's wanted list." He said. Sabrina kinda deflated thinking she was more famous then him at first.

"Well it's nice to meet you," Zeb said looking at the boy.

"I want Hera to meet you" Kanen said.

As if on cue Hera walked down the ramp with Chopper in tow. She smiled in a motherly fashion at Ezra, "what's your name?" She asked with a warm smile.

"Ezra." He said happily.

Hera moved out of the way and motioned Chopper to move forward. Chopper ambled out from behind her legs with a little grumble of annoyance. "He's quit shy," Hera said with a reassuring smile at chopper.

Upon seeing the droid Ezra smiled. "Nice to meet you number one"

"Why did you call him that" Hera asked with her eyebrows furrowed.

Kanen just snickered from behind his hand knowing something the rest didn't.

Ezra looked at them with a devious smile, "he is only the most wanted thing on the imperial list."

The Ghost crew looked astonished and they all turned to look at chopper. Upon all eyes on him he slowly backed away did a quick u turn and rolled quickly into the ghost. Everyone their was left with their mouths open.

Ezra was the smiled again, something he liked to do, "I am defiantly joining now."

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