Chapter 12

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Ezra carried Sabine all the way up to her room while getting curious stares from people in the camp and palace. He went into her room and layed her down on the bed. By this time she had fallen asleep. He stroked her hair feeling tingles run up his spine at the soft feeling of her hair. As an instinctive move Sabine wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled up to him. She rested her head on his lap and sighed appreciatively. After Ezra was sure she was asleep he gently layed her head on the pillow. He slowly walked to the door and looked back at her smiling. Ezra went out the door and walked down the hall to the command center. He went through the command door and was greeted with all of the clan chiefs that were here and a few high ranking Mandaloreans. Bo Katan let him walk in and settle down before starting. "So, the reason I have summoned you all is to discuss the matter of a new weapon the empire has." She took a second not wanting to continue, "this weapon was made by Sabine Wren in her time at the academy."

One of the mandaloreans that were part of the security force said, "she also cried, I think she may be laandur." He spat the last part out. At this almost everybody gasped but Ezra's head snapped up.

"What did you call her." He said preparing for the worst.

"I said it and I'll say it again she's laandur" the man said aggressively at Ezra. Most of the people saw the tension in the room between the two.

"She's not here to defend her honor." Ezra said, "so I will." Ezra then proceeded to punch the man in the face sending him cascading down to the floor. Ezra walked over to him and knelt down, "please don't disrespect a persons honor again or I may have to take it up a notch." He extended his hand down to the man on the floor. The man reluctantly took it and got hoisted up by Ezra. "No hard feelings?" He asked. The man just shook his head. Ezra clapped him on the back and motioned for Bo Katan to continue.

"We need to ask her about it and try to find a weakness to it. I will talk to her by myself when she gets here. So, for the time being, you are dismissed. Everybody nodded their heads and started to filter out. Bo Katan grabbed Ezra by the arm before he could leave. He stayed along with Sabine's family.

Alaric was the first to speak, "I want to thank you Bridger for helping my daughter from comforting her about the weapon to defending her honor from the deepest part of my heart, thank you."

"I was just doing what a friend would do." He said with a slight smile.

"No," Alaric said, "you are more then a friend to her and she is ,more then a friend to you." Alaric saw Ezra's face twist into a confused look, "oh don't try to hide it. I have seen the way you look at each other and the way you look at her backside." Ursa elbowed Alaric in the side.

"Anyways," Bo Katan said, "we need to get some information and I feel like you people would be the best at getting it." They all nodded their heads in agreement,"alright you are dismissed.

The remaining began to walk out of the door and to the places they needed to be. Ezra went outside to clear his head of all this information. He swerved in between the tents but he stoped when he heard a recognizable sound. The sound of a lightsaber being activated. Ezra ducked just in time to avoid his head being severed by a humming red lightsaber. When he stood back up he drew his Beskad from his back and parried the second attack. He was able to get a better look at his attacker. The person attacking him was a male human with brown eyes and black hair. They started to dance with their blades swinging back and forth parrying, attacking and fainting. Ezra slowly started to loose ground and became more angry.  The attacker saw the anger and said, "Good let your anger control you, let the power flow through you."

"Kriff off!" Ezra yelled at him. The fighting was being taken into a clearing in the middle of the camp were there was a descent amount of people.

"Ezra!" Someone yelled to his right. Ezra looked to see Sabine running down the steps to the fight. The lightsaber wielder noticed Ezra's distraction and swung his lightsaber up cutting off part of his helmet and carving a painful scar. Ezra screamed in pain as he fell to the ground clutching the wound on his face. Ezra's sword dropped out of his hand with a silent whoosh as it hit the snow covered ground. The force user stood towering over with his lightsaber above his head for a finishing blow. "No," Sabine yelled sadly. Ezra extended his hand as a sign of mercy. The wielder aimed for his hand and swung his saber down to sheer off Ezra's pathetic attempt at peace. Sabine couldn't watch anymore so she closed her eyes.

She expected to hear the searing of flesh and the cry of pain but it wasn't their. Instead there was the sound of lightsaber hitting metal and then a grunt of surprise. Sabine slowly opened her eyes to see a scene she would never forget. Ezra was holding the lightsaber by the blade with his hand. "When I said to kriff off," Ezra said pulling out his pistol, "I meant kriff off." With that Ezra raised the pistol at the confused man's head and fired.

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